Principle, no* Policti justice, not favors.— men, their rights and nothing more: women, their rights and nothing less.
VOL. ,1.— NO. 6.
€()f ttfoolotion.
SUSAN B. ANTHONY, Proprietor.
Social Evil Statistics. — The annual inspection re-
port of the Captains of the Metropolitan Police of New
York city and Brooklyn, gives the number of houses of
prostitution as 623 ; of houses of assignation, 92 ; and
of prostitutes, 2,097. This estimate however, must be
considered as only approximative, on account cf t he
migratory character of the women to whom it relates,
and because many of “them reside in tenement houses
and other dwellings, where their real character is un-
known, and, it may be, unsuspected. — Sun.
Child Mubdeb. — The horrible developments published
the other day respecting a notorious* “ boarding-house ”
in this city, where mothers, married or unmarried, can
be delivered of their offspring in the strictest confidence,
and relieved of all the bothers of maternity, awaken
serious reflection as to what ought to be done for the
repression of the terrible social evil of which such estab-
lishments are at once the outgrowth and the promoters.
The evil, we are sorry to believe, is on the increase. The
murder of children, either before or after birth, has be-
come so frightfully prevalent that physicians, who have
given careful and intelligent study to the subject, have
declared that were It not for immigration the white
population of the United States would actually fall offl
In a populous quarter of a certain large Western city it
is asserted, on medical authority, that not a single Anglo-
American child has been bom alivb for the last three
years. This is inoredible ; but, making all due allow-
ance for exaggeration, it is plain enough that the mur-
der of infinite is a common thing among AmaHrmn
women. — Tribune.
less saints. God does not wink, evsn at the
sin of ignorance.
We ask our editors who pen those startling
statistics to give us their views of the remedy. 1
We believe the cause of all these abuses lies in
the degradation of woman.
Strike the chains from your women for as
long as they are slaves to man’s lust, man will
be the slave cf bis own passions.
Wonder not that American women do every-
thing in their power to avoid maternity; for,
from false habits of life, dress, food, and gene-
rations of disease and abominations, it is to
them a period of sickness, lassitnde, disgust,
agony and death.
What man would walk up to the gallows if he
could avoid it ? And the most hopeless aspect
of this condition of things is that our Doctors
of Divinity and medicine teach and believe that
maternity and suffering are inseparable.
So long as the Bible, through the ignorance
of its expounders, makes maternity a curse, and
women, through ignorance of the science of life
and health find it so» we need not wonder at the
multiplication of these fearful statistics. Let
ns no longer weep, and whine, and pray over
all these abominations; but with an enlightened
conscientiousness and religious earnestness,
bring ourselves into line with God's just, mer-
ciful and wise laws. Let every thinking man
make himself to-day a missionary in hispwn
house. Regulate the diet, dress, exercise,
health of your wives and daughters. Send they)
to Mrs. Plumb’s gymnasium, Dio Lewis’s school,
or Dr. Taylor’s Swedish movement cure, to de-
velop their muscular system, and to Kuozkowski
to have the rhubarb, the sulphur, the mercury
and “ the sins of their fathers ” (Exodus xx. 6.)
soaked out of their brains. x. o. s.
Scarce a day passes but some of our daily
journals take note of the fearful ravages on the
race, made through the crimes of Infanticide
and Prostitution.
For a quarter of a century sober, thinking
women have warned this nation of tjiese thick
coming dangers, and pointed to the only remedy,
the education and enfranchisement of -vxrman ;
hut men have laughed them to scorn. Let those
who have made the “strong-minded” women
of this generation the target for the gibes and
jeers of a heedless world repent now in sack-
cloth and ashes, for already they suffer the re-
tribution of their folly at their own firesides,
in their sad domestic relations. Wives sick,
peevish, perverse; children deformed, blind,
deaf, dumb and insane ; daughters silly and
wayward ; sons waylaid at every corner of the
streets and dragged down to the gates of death,
by those whom God meant to be th^ir
saviors and support Look at thess things no
longer as necessary afflictions, sent to wean ns
from earth as visitations from Providence-; bat
as the direct results of the violation of immuta-
ble laws, whioh it was our duty to study and
obey. In tha midst of all these miseries, let us
regard ourselves as guilty sinners and not help-
A correspondent writes thus to the N. Y.
Sun :
Id answer to an advertisement for buttonhole workers
on linen work in your paper a few days ago, mj^wife
applied to a large establishment in Prinoe street, a few
doors from Broadway, when she was told she could have
plenty to do at the price of five cents a dozen,
and she find her thread. She thought the sum very
small ; bat, as I was not doing much myself, she took
eight dozen. Now, sir she is* very quick hand, and
executes a good buttonhole in every six minutes— eight
dozen in ten hoars. When die took -them home she
stated to her employer that it was an utter impossibility
to make them at such a figure. Upon which he laughed,
saying he could get them made even cheaper ; also, she
most be a very slow worker. She told him that she
thought she could get better prices, when he sarcasti-
cally replied: “You had better go there and get
them ! ”
Here is the reason of the terrible crimes of
Prostitution and Infanticide. Morality and re-
ligion have more to do with a well lined stomach
than we dream of. No doubt, if we should talk
with this employer of the importance of giving
women votes, he would reply, can you not trust
rnim to legislate for you? u he not the natural
protector of woman ? Working women, throw
your needles to the winds; press yourselves into
employments where you can get better pay ;
dress yourselves in costume, like daughters of
the regijnent, and be conductors in our oars and
railroads, drive hacks. If .your petticoats stand
in the way of bread, virtue and freedom, cut
them off “ There was a time,” says Carlyle, “ in
the history of the race when man was primary,
and his rays secondary ; hut' to-day rays take
precedence of the man.” Woman’s dress keeps
her out of a multitude of employments where
she could make good wages. We heard of , a
family of daughters out West who, being lcjft
suddenly to depend on themselves decided to
ignore all woman’s work at low wages, so they
donned male attire. One went to work in a lum-
ber yard, one on a steamboat, one droVe a hack
in a Western city, and in a few years with
economy they laid up enough to buy a hand-
some farm where they now live in comfort as
Mrs. Bickerdyke, who followed Sherman
through his entire campaign, taking care of sick
soldiers, has built a large hotel at Salma, Kan-
sas, which she intends to manage entirely her-
self If women are to have a place in this world
they must get right out of the old grooves and
do new and grand things. We -have looked
through the eye of a needle long enough. It is
time for “ The Revolution.” — _
In Ceylon the marriage proposal ta brought about by
the wm first sending to her whom he wishes to become
his wife, to purchase her olothee. These she. sells for a
stipulated sum, generally asking as much as she thinks
requisite for them to begin the world with. In the even-
ing he calls cm her with the wardrobe, at her father’s
house, and they pass the night in each other’s company.
Next morning, if mutually satisfied, they appoint the
day of marriage. They are permitted to separate
whenever they please, and so frequently avail themselves
of this privilege, but they sometimes change a dozen
times before their inclinations are suited .— Jritk People.
Time was when two persons before marriage tried to
find out if they were sympathetic and congenial to each
other. The disposition is out of fhahion now, 'and a
new, if not better, order of things is established. A11
that is needful at present is for the intended bride to
ascertain if she has clothes enough ; all the rest follows
as a matter of course. The moment her connubial
election is made, she seta about buying or making gar-
ments, never sparing time to inquire into the state of
her affeotions. Hie domestic -picture of the future is a
matter of indifference, provided the frame be gilded. It
is of no consequence if her love wear oat, so her rai-
ment, exoterte and esoteric, does not - It it last, *11 the
happiness she desires is secure. What are the sicknesses
and disappointmenta of the heart to the agony of get-
ting ready for file hymeneal altar? "I should have
been wedded long ago,” said a disconsolate beauty the
other day, “if I could have got my wardrobe reedy.”
In view of the existing condition of affairs, we think the
idea oommendable that a young man who wishes to lay
the foundation of a future, should marry a fashionable
wile, and sell her clothes. — Sun.
Talking with a young lady a few day i since,*
she saidshe frilly agreed with onr ideas ; hut ehe
could not admit it before gentlemen, because,
they made such fan of “strong-minded. w<k
men.” 44 Why, my dear girl,” wf, replied* 44 they
make twenty shots at the weak-minded
where they make one at us.” So we turned to a
dozen journals and read her a series of squibs
like the above, showing that women are just as
degraded to-day in spirit if not degree in these
customs and estimates of themselves, as in the
past ; and that men really take very much the
same view of marriage as their barbarian an-
cestors. The best preparation for marriage is
to bring the mind and body into a healthy con-
dition, the clothes are of little consequence.
Whenever a sick, feeble woman marries, she
commits a fraud not only on her husband but
the State. The wedding presents and trousseau
are really two of the most disgusting features of
onr refined civilization.
From the Detroit (Mich.) Daily Union.
“The Revolution . ’ ’ — Revolution at home — Revolu-
tion abroad-Be volution everywhere. “ The Revolution”
newspaper ia out — driven by the tandum team ‘Elizabeth
Oady Stanton, Paiker Piilsbury and Susan B. "Anthony—
the former two, as editors, and the latter, proprietor and
manager. Women are safe. Miss Anthony’s baby ia
born— good looking, bright, intelligent. Platform in
Politics — Ed u cated Suffrage, irrespective of sex or color;
equal pay to women for equal work £ eight-hours’ labor;
abolition of standing armies and party despotisms; down
with politicians— up with the people. In Religion —
Deeper thought ; broader ideas ; science not supersti-
tion ; personal purity, love to man as well as God, etc.
Good say we to the last sentence, and the more the bet-
ter. Mias Anthony also makee the refreshing announce-
ment thpt no quack or immoral advertisements sill be
admitted, Piilsbury not excepted, we. suppose. Finah-
cidSjy, she ia in favor of expansion. Mrs. 8tanton, George
Francis Train, and the editors respectively say many
things, ind say them with ability and good nature. Suf-
frage, irrespective of sex, is the primary plank of “ The
Revolution,” and its success will be marked in propor-
tion to the extent this idea is or may be popularized
among the people. Kansas has just given 9,070 in favor of
female suffrage, and negro suffrage advanced tais num-
ber by 436 votes, out of a total vote of 30,000 ; more,
probably, than any other State, would give, so we are not
forcibly struck that our better halves will undertake for
some lime to vote us out, and get better men in our
places. . * ' .
In regard to 44 quack advertisements ” we
make no exceptions, and so afraid are we of old
dragged ideas tbat we have placed Mr. Piilsbury
under the care of Kaczkowski to have his allo-
pathic part all washed out of him ; and when
his cold water thunder begins to reverberate
throhgh this land, you will find there is a Revo-
lution in truth everywhere, in state, church,
home and the editorial chair.
From the Boston Advertiser.
“ The Revolution ” is the new paper and sensation.
It advocates Woman Suffrage and general reform, and
goes into the financial question pretty thoroughly. The
names behind this new sheet— which, by the way, is one
of remarkable neatness — are Anthony, Stanton, and
Train ; and whatever George Francis has anything to do
with, is certain to have life and snap in it. For wide-
awake reading, on topics within its chosen sphere, “ The
Revolution” is a model. Subscriptions received at
McIntosh & Smith’s News Room, Old State House. $2.00
a year.
From the Christian Recorder (Organ of the African Me-
thodist Episcopal Church).
Revolution : - Principle, not Policy; Justice not Favors;
Men, their Bights and Nothing More ; Women, their
Rights and Nothing Less.
We have received Vol. L No. 2, of a journal with the
above title, published in New York city, at $2 per iimnm.
It is printed on fine paper, and in the best style of typo-
graphic art. It is loud in its advocacy of Manhood t vf-
frage. May success attend it
44 Manhood Suffrage ? ” Oh ! no, my friend, you
mistake us; we have enough of that already.
We say hot another man, black or white, until
§nurl»iu»tt. 1
woman is inside the citadel. What reason have
we to suppose the African would be more just
and generous than the Saxon has been ? Wen-
dell Phillips pleads for black men ; 'we for
black -women, who have known a degradation
and sorrow in slavery such as man has never
From the Carlin villa (111.) Democrat.
We are complimented by a copy of Susan B. An-
thony’s new paper, “ The Revolution.” Its a neatly
printed sixteen page paper, and Is edited by our friend E
Cady Stanton and Parker Piilsbury. It is devoted to all
kinds of reform and Woman Suffrage. ** The Revolu-
tion ” is no doubt destined to wield a mighty influence
in the arena it has chosen. Backed up by George Fran-
cis Train with his thirty millions of private wealth, the
Credit Foncier of America, Credit Mobilier, half of Wall
street, with Train for its financier and advocate, it can-
not help but be a money-making institution.
We notice a long article devoted to the discussion of
several topics, written in the ferae, pointed and telling
style that no one but George Francis Train commands.
We shall be pleased to welcome •* The Revolution ”
to our table, and the writer pledges himself to vote for
all the peculiar reforms, including " a penny ocean post-
age,” advocated by this paper. x.
From the Boston Daily and Weekly Voice.
“ The Revolution.”— W e welcome with much pleas-
ure the appearance of the first number of this new jour-
nal of reform. It is a neatly-printed, sixteen-page paper,
published by Susan B. Anthony, at 3? Park Row, New
York, and edited by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Parker
Piilsbury. It announces that it wfll advocate educated
suffrage, irrespective of sex or color, equal pay to
women for equal work, eight hours’ labor, and various
social and religious reforms. Its articles are able, radi-
cal, timely, varied and interesting, striking telling blows
upon old error and wrong, mainly in unison with oug_
own' humble sheet. Its appearance is an encouraging
sign of the times.
From the Machias (Me.) Republican.
We have received the first number of a new paper
called “ The Revolution,” published in New York by
Susan B. Anthony, with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and
Parker Piilsbury as editors. It is a folio of sixteen pages
and handsomely gotten up. It is essentially a woman’s
rights affair ; advocates the eight hour-system, and the
abolition of standing armies, etc., etc., etc. George
Francis Train seems to be the principal character in its
make-up, as his name appears more or less in nearly
every page. Altogether it is a sprightly and interesting
paper, and contains considerable important statistical
information. Terms $2.00 a year. Address Susan B.
Anthony, 37 Park Bow (Room 17), New York city. Judg-
ing from the number before us,- there is not much doubt
but every subscriber will get his or her money’s worth.
From the Western (N. Y) Catholic.
“ The Revolution .”— 1 This is the title of a new
weekly, that is to be issued in New York under the aus-
pices of our friend, George Francis Train. We shall
look patiently for the first number, to see it George
Francis is ai mighty with the pen as he is on the plat-
From the “Price Current.”
“ The Revolution.”— This is anew aspirant for popu-
lar favor (which we hope it will get), edited by Eliza-
beth Cady Stanton and Parker Piilsbury ; Susan B. An-
thony, publisher. This trio have business ability and
brains, and as they never do anything by halves, when
“ The Revolution”- gets fairly under way we may ex-
pect it to be the liveliest paper published in Uncle Sam’s
broad dominions. It is to represent no party, sector
organisation ; each editor or contributor is to be respon-
sible for his or her opinions. We shall now have an op-
portunity of witnesting the success or failure of this
attempt, by the advocates of Woman’s Rights, tooonduct
an organ in their own way. That it will have a large
subscription list, we cannot doubt, for with the perse-
verance and pertinacity of Miss Anthony will be ooupled
tbe individual efforts of thousands of believers in the
extreme of every ism, who will hope to have a hearing
through its columns, and will, therefore, labor earnestly
' in the common cause.
From the Anti-Slavery Standard.
“ Have you lived so long and not learned that a journal
should have $100,000 capital and its editor $50,000 pri-
vate fortune before he can afford to tell what he thinks V
— Brooklyn speech, Dec, 26.
Wxnuxll Fgm.iPft, Editor,
From the Westfield (Chatauque county) Republican.
We would call attention to “ The Revolution,” a new
paper, whose publication commenced on the 8th inst
in New York. Is is designed as the organ of the na-
tional party of New America, and bears for its motto :
Principle, not Policy— Justice, not Favors. Besides the
special political questions of Educated Suffrage, Irre-
spective of Sex or Color ; Equal Pay to Women for
Equal Work ; Eight Honrs’ Labor ; Abolition of Stand-
ing Armies and Party Despotisms, which it will advo-
cate, it proposes to discuss all topics of Labor, Finance,
and Social life, in a comprehensive and independent
We are most agreeably disappointed in the size and ap-
pearance of thi« paper, containing as it does 16 pages, all
neatly printed, out and stitched. .
We have read its articles with the liveliest interest,
among which are Kansas ; The First Woman's Vote ;
Revolution ; The Press, Retrospective and Prospective,
while it promises a series of articles, beginning this
week, to prove the power of the ballot in elevating the
character and oondition of woman.
This paper appears in answer to a great want in jour-
nalistic literature, hardly one being ready to upeZk for
the cause of woman without a sneer, and not one being
unfettered enough by party and existing organizations
to discuss social and political questions in the best light
of the acknowledged principles of morality end justice
To all who recognize the oorrupt character of our poll
tics and politicians, and the corresponding want of a
better condition of society, we commend the perusal of
"The Revolution,” and we bespeak for it a large cir-
culation among all the friends of true reform every-
Elizabeth Cady Stanton,- Parker Piilsbury, Editor?.
Published weekly, at $2 a year. Address Susan B. An-
thony, 37 Park Bow, New York.
From the Irish Republic.
“ The Revolution.”— We have reoeivedthe first num-
' ber of this handsome and spirited journal, published by
Susan B. Anthony, and edited by Elizabeth Cady Stan-
ton and Parker Piilsbury.
“The Revolution” is published in the interest of -
Universal Liberty— liberty not confined by geographical
lines, nor painted some pecular hue, but tor Ml men —
and women. Its chief aim will be -the enfranchisement
(for she is a slave) and elevation of woman.
A part of the prospectus says : America no longer
to be led b.\ Europe.” “American products and labor
free.” “ Foreign manufactures prohibited "Open
doors to artisans and emigrants.” We need not wish
this journal snocess, as "Revolutions” never go back-
The press on all sides is becoming so very
complimentary, that we feel more like hiding
our faces behind our fans than commenting on .
their praises of us. So we make a low bow to
all these pleasant and appreciative editors,
and beg them, in whatever they write hereafter
on this question of Woman’s Bights, to be
spicy, common-sense and argumentative ; for, as
we are expeoted to answer all that is said on
thin subject, we should like to have some meat
on the bone given us to pick. The World takes
the lead in an admirable article which we pub-
lish with comments. Where is Mr. Greeley?
English Chueoh and School Movement fob
the South. — A project is on foot, says the Lon-
don Morning Advertiser, for the establishment
of a Southern University m the United States,
and the assistance of English ehurchmep in
attaining that object has been sought by the
Bev. F. W. Tremlett, of St Peter’s, Belsize
Park. It is intended as an offering to the whole ^
American Church, and not to the Southern
States as against the Northern. Nor does it
proceed from any single party in England— both
High Church and Low Church are associated in
it All the archbishops and most of the bish-
ops, all the colonial metropolitans, and many
well known leaders of church opinion approve
of it, and have expressed their willingness to
co-operate. Several eminent statesmen, both
consemtiye and liberal, haye promised to as.
merits, I enolose a tabular and conveniently*
arranged statement of same. As to the vote of
this county, and the exact influence of George
Francis Train in reference to it, it is somewhat
difficult to give even a guess. Still, so far aa
my own observation goes, I do not believe more
than one-third of the votes cast for female suf-
frage in Leavenworth county would have been
cast for it, had not Train come here. The Fe-
nians were not the only voters influenced by
Train. I know of Republicans and Democrats,
prominent and solid men, who went to the polls
and voted for Woman Suffrage, who, up to the
time of Train’s first speech, and some, up to
the time of the second, not only “ scouted ” the
measure, but actively opposed it I am not
saying these things for the purpose of flattering
Train, or in any wise influencing your convic-
tions in reference to him. I am satisfied he put
new life into the measure here, influenced many
it was impossible for either yourself Mrs. Stan-
ton, Miss Brown, or any other advocate of
Woman Suffrage to influence, and, by creating a
large degree of enthusiasm in behalf of the
question, made hitherto lukewarm friends ac-
tive workers— and in this way, through all the
agencies, trebled the vote in the county.
Am glad to hear that your paper is soon to be
issued, and think you have selected an exceed-
ingly suggestive name. Will be most happy to
place “ The Revolution ” on our exchange list.
Am glad, also, to hear that your trip was a
success, and of suoh a character as to attract
attention. Cannot but think, however, that the
action of Lucy Stone and others was dictated
by narrow rather than liberal ideas. Still, I
have no doubt you win consider Mrs. Stone’s
manifesto as philosophically as you have many
other things heretofore.
Trusting that you may be successful in your
new enterprise, and that you may yet have the
utmost wish in reference to Woman Suffrage
folly realized, I remain,
Most respectfully, yours.
Geo. C. Hume.
people in the world to do anything for ua ; we must
look for our support to new men. I hope “The Revo-
lution ” will not undertake top much, but keep to the
main question— Woman's Suffrage.
Yours sincerely, Olympia Bbown.
I have received a copy of your paper. It is just what
we need, and I send for it one year, hoping that your la-
bors will be blest to your own good, as I know it will
the goo 1 of humanity.
I am yours for Reform,
Mbs. J. H. StIllman, M.D.
God speed you in the cause of justice. Equal Rights,
and human liberty. “ Revolution 1 ** How I like that
name, and how gladly welcome the paper. 1 am a co-
worker with you in the noble cause of Suffrage for Wo-
man. Inclosed my snbeoription for one year.
From Michigan the following comes, and is
one of a class occasionally received :
I had seen several notices of your new journal ip the
Detroit papers before you commenced the publication,
but waited to get particulars in the Anti-Slavery Standard.
When you commence, if you have not already, please
make me a subscriber, and if you will send pie an extra
copy or two, I will try to procure you a few Subscribers.
But 1 can assure you beforehand, the prospect in this re-
gion for reform or reform journals is dark indeed.
It is certainly a most pitiful consideration
that the only paper in the nation that demands
Reconstruction on the basia-^of Impartial Suf-
frage and citizenship, cannot be davertised in
the Standard tor love of the cause nor yet for
money. But so it is ; and if the Standard can
stand the reproach, undoubtedly “The Revo-
lution ” will survive all loss of patronage oc-
casioned thereby. For the inconvenience to
our friends, we are not responsible.
; — — -
“ The Revolution ” came to hand to-day.
Please find enclosed two dollars for one year’s
subscription. I like the paper, and believe that
two such persons for editors cannot tail to make
a valuable journal. Yon have been kind enough
to invite friendly criticism upon anything I may
see in it I will therefore take the liberty to
criticise your article upon “ Kansas,” and the
reports of the speeches of Miss Anthony and
Mr. Train, as they were made through the
country. A Revolution, and especially a moral
Revolution, should have truth for its corner-
stone. Clap-trap, “ noise and confosion, ” may be
very good weapons in political st.ife, but not in
a movement like Woman’s Suffrage. This cause
will triumph on its own merits or not at aU, and
exaot truthfulness and justice to all parties will
be found in the end to be the best policy. Yon
say onr vote might have been “ comparatively a
small one, had not Mr. Train galvanized the
Democrats into life.” When yon say that Doug-
las county gave the largest vote against Wo-
man Suffrage, you are mistaken, whether yon
mean relatively or absolutely. If yon mean the
largest per cent of the vote cast, it stands high-
er than any of the stronger Democratic counties
except Leavenworth and Bourbon. If yon mean
in the aggregate, then Leavenworth cast more
votes against Woman’s rights than Douglas.
Also Leavenworth county did not give the largest
per cent, for the question of any county, as you
will see by the figures published in “ The Revo-
lution.” The per cent of Leavenworth is 89,
and of Chase 94. Compare some of the Re-
publican counties with the more Democratic,
and yon will find the per cent in favor of
the Republicans. For instance, Douglas 44,
Shawnee 60, Wabunnse 75, Chase 94, Riley 57,
fglbt ’ fUreltttidtt.
Coffee 83, Anderson 70, Allen 80 among the Re-
publicans ; and Atchison 27, Wyandotte 21,
Doniphan 25, Marshal 38, Johnson 37, Mi a mi
25, Morris 29, Jefferson 28, Bourbon 63, Leav-
enworth 89 of the more Democratic counties.
The large vote in Leavenworth was due to the
fact that a few of the leading Democrats who
had the management of thb party, had none
but tickets in favor of Woman Suffrage printed
and distributed in the county. Such, I am in-
formed by the parties themselves, was the case,
and that Mr. Train had bnt little if anything to
do with it. From Oluthe he telegraphed or
wrote : “ Tremendous house — strongly Demo-
cratic — nearly all for Woman Suffrage. They
see that by voting Woman’s Suffrage they beat
the Republicans at their own game. Yon can
bet your bottom dollar on Johnson county for
the women.” The returns show 325 for and
866 against, or 37 per cent
From Miami county he writes the Democrats
are goipg solid for Woman Suffrage. The re-
turns show 25 per cent
From Franklin county he writes : “ Suffice to
say that I carried the vote as unanimously as at
Leavenworth, Lawrence, Olathe, and Paola, for
Woman Suffrage. We are sure to carry Kal-
lock’s town against him.” Yet Woman’s Suf-
frage received 16 per cent of the vote in the
It is clear, from Mr. Train’s dispatches, that
he made Woman’s Suffrage a party issue and
urged the Democrats to vote for it as such.
Now, however* ignorant the Republicans 5T
Kansas may be, they can readily see that, if a
large vote for Woman’s Suffrage is a Democratic
victory and Republican defeat a small vote
would be a Democratic defeat and Republican
victory ; and, as there are two Republicans to
one Democrat in Kansas, where such arguments
would gain one Democrat they would lose two
Republicans. While Mr. Train and Miss An-
thony doubtless think they did the cause great
service by the course they pursued, I think a very
large majority of the true friends of the cause
in Kansas think their policy most unwise and
injurious. . Say what you will about the apathy
of ’Republicans, there are ten in favor of Wo-
man’s Suffrage in Kansas to one Democrat, in my
opinion, and I have no sympathy with the whole-
sale denunciation of them, which I see in the
speeches and writings of some people. Neither
do I sympathize with the opprobrium attempted
to be cast upon such men as Beecher, Phillips,
Garrison and others whose speeches and labors
have done so much for the cause. For myself
I believe that the little finger of either of these
men has more weight in the country than as
many Trains as could be piled up on the 5,000
lots at Omaha or the capital addition to Colum-
Now, in conclusion, I do not think the friends
of Woman’s Suffrage can afford to quarrel or
misrepresent anybody or anything, and have
written this merely to give the view some of ns
take of the cause in Kansas, who don’t see with
the eyes of Mr. Train, Miss Anthony, and per-
haps yourself. Both views being presented, we
can afford to rest satisfied and go earnestly to
work for the future. We in KananH intend to
keep the fires burning, and hope yet to “ lead
the world ” in the good cause.
Very truly, C. Robinson.
Leavenworth, Dec. 22, 1867.
Miss S. B. Anthony : Your letter, written
from New York, was handed me yesterday. As
you asked for the official vote on the amend-
Editors of the Revolution :
New Yobk, January 1868.
So far as any interest in either of the political
parties is concerned, I care not whether the
Woman’s Suffrage vote in Kansas was east by
Republicans or Democrats. What I do care to
know is, whether that vote and the negro suf-
frage vote were votes for principle. It certainly
was not a vote for principle, except so far as
those who voted for one voted for the other. It
is presumable that the negro suffrage vote was
cast almost wholly by Republicans. Now, if a
large share of these same men, independent,
and in spite of party dictation, voted for Woman
Suffrage also, that fact^is encouraging, hopeful,
in the highest degree. On the other hand, if
Republicans only sustained their own party
measure, and Democrats, tinder the influence of
a magnetic mind, and perhaps in part to spite ^
the Republicans, voted simpfy to give the ballot v
to woman (bnt not to accept and apply a prin-
ciple), the fact, though encouraging in its way,
is comparatively insignificant and worthless.
That the Woman’s Suffrage vote was made
up, to a considerable extent, from both parties,
is doubtless true ; but, by a carelul comparison
of the vote on the two .questions, oounty by
county, I cannot discover any positive indication
(except in the case of Leavenworth county) that
any considerable number of Democrats voted
for Woman Suffrage, and even half the vote in
this county might have been given by Repub-
licans, ns the vote on negro suffrage shows. The
largest vote against Woman Suffrage was given
by this very county, and not by the Republican
county of Douglas, an has been stated. Next
to ^Leavenworth (which seems to be an excep-
tion to all the other counties') Douglas oounty
gave the largest vote for Woman Suffrage.
By far the largest proportionate vote against
woman suffrage was given by the strong Demo-
cratic counties of Atchison, Doniphan and Jef-
ferson, each voting overwhelmingly against
both negro and Woman Suffrage. Indeed, in
nearly all the counties the vote does not vary
very greatly, indicating that to a great extent
the votes for each proposition, were given by the
same men.
Let us hope that the inference I have drawn
is the true one. Five or seven thousand
vote 3 in Kansas, oast independent of party, in
favor of justice and principle, are worth far
more than twenty thousand cast in favor of ex-
tending a certain privilege to a certain class.
Neither woman nor the negro needs privileges, to
be enjoyed while others are denied them. What
all need is the establishment of justice and
right F. Babby.
The following is a letter of the experience of
one of our young ladies canvassing for “The
Revolution : ”
New York, January 31st, 1868.
My Deai£ Friend : You are already informed
of my arrival in this city of good and evil, hon-
est dealing and lotteries, fashion and famine ;
but you are not aware what I’ve been about since
I located in this spot and I propose to tell you
instanter. You see, my dear, after settling my-
self in my quiet home,' I was at a loss to know
just how to next proceed, and while earnestly
cogitating the subject I accidentally came
across the first number of the new paper called
■“The Revolution,” and no sooner had I dis-
covered by whom it was edited than I decided
I would make the acquaintance and ask the ad-
vice of said notables. I repaired to the den of
supposed wild beasts ; when, lo and 'behold ! I
find not twin female ogresses, but live natural
women, just like you, me, or any one else, save
perhaps their hearts are braver and their heads
stronger and clearer than the majority of those
on the earth with them. After some conversa-
tion with them, I issued from their office pre-
pared to work for their cause, your cause, my
cause, the cause of all women ; and how I went
for subscribers I now proceed to relate.
My first attempt was in a place wholly un-
known to me, and the work being also new, I
could not guess my reception at the house where
I first entered ; but when the lady came into
the parlor, and pleasantly sat down by me, I was
not greatly disturbed as you may imagine. I
immediately introduced the cause of my call,
and in reply to my remarks she said : “Do you
think that these women can carry on the work ?
Do you think that they con affect other women ?
I’ve little faith in the sex. They are de-
ceitful and vain, and I don’t think they can be
made anything else. Why,” said she, “you
can’t have a servant or seamstress come into
your house without their winking and blinking
at your husband, so that you are compelled to
turn her out, or see him led into temptation.”
I laughed outright, and said : “Why, my good
woman, supposing your husband was to have a
handsome coachman come into his employ, And
he should ‘wink and blink’ at you j doyouimag-
ine you would be seriously tempted ? *’ “ Me ?
me? no, indeed! I’d hang myself sooner.”
“ So should your husband, madam : and we
women must work until the equality of such, as
of all other matters, is established.” We wan-
dered into a nice long talk, and when I left her
she bid me God speed. On I tramped through
snow and slosh, from house to house, until I
was ushered into one where sat a good-looking
bilious female, lazily sewing. To her I stated
the reason of my honoring her with my presence,
which was hardly done when she turned her
stony, black eyes upon me with — “ No, I don’t
want the paper. Dear knows, the working class
are troublesome enough without their heads be-
ing filled with such stuff. I’m most plagued to
death now with my servants,” and she groaned
I left the disconsolate daughter of Eve to her
sewing and servants, menially deciding that, on
the arrival of her husband to dinner, he would
be regaled with a “ tale of woe” that might well
cause the stoutest heart to quail. Another se-
ries of wading and bell-ringing, and I entered a
parlor that would have proved entertaining for
sometime had not the lady possessor of all this
luxury heTself appeared. The stately folding
of the arms, the measured walk to the window,
where she turned and eyed me, all pronounced
her a strong, superior woman, smothered by
circumstances, but a strong though latent char-
acter. I inquired if she had heard of “The
Revolution.” “No.” Then she wasn’t aware"
it was edited and published by Susan B. An-
thony and Mrs. E. Cady Stanton? “Mercy,
no ! ” and didn’t waut to. She had heard
enough of those women to disgust her. I then
asked had she ever seen those ladies, and upon
her replying negatively, recounted my acquaint-
ance with them, remarking that as yet they had
neither eaten me, nor taught me to swear. She
became quite interested, and gave me the names
of some friends upon whom she asked me to
call. I left her, perfectly convinced that in
years to oome, if not just now, her influence
would be for the cause of her sex,
At the next door the lady would not see me
because I sent no card. I excused her and left
What was the use Of parley, she probably
would’nt have been able to read the paper if I’d
bestowed one. More bell-ringing, step-chmb-
ing, and servant-snubbing, and in her papa's
parlor I met a stylishly dressed girl of sixteen,
who received me politely, saying her mamma was
sick and she would attend to the business in
questioh, which I made known to her, with the
following result: “ Do you think it’s a nice pa-
per ? ” Upon my assuring her I did, she lisped
forth, “Why, la! do you? I dare say it is ; but
there’s so many nice papers. Don’t you think
so ? Now there’s the Evening Mail” I wanted
to say, yes, and Mother Goose’s Melodies ;
but refrained, and walked to the next house,
estimating that she had probably not less than
twenty gentlemen admirers, as she was such a
dear little Creature, and not the least strong-
minded. Up^he steps and into somebody’s ele-
gant hall I stood, the servant not deigning to
invite me into the reception room, A voice from
above asks “who is it?” and an elaborately
dressed head, put over the banisters, replies,
“ She looks like a beggar, ma. ” Soon Ma Shod-
dy appeared, radiant in a gay morfiing robe and
pink cap ribbons. She cast upon me a most
pitiful glance, and when I had dosed my ad-
dress, waved her hand majestically, and said :
“Land sakes! we don’t want papers, we’re in
that sort of business, and my husband, he can
get all the papers he wants, for nothing.” I
bowed humbly to Dame Shoddy, and with drab-
bled dress and tired feet wandered home, won-
dering how long 'ere the scales would fall from
women’s eyes, and their whole souls be filled
with light. New you will make answer to this
account with the old thread-bare, “I told you
so ; women are not comp 3 tent to enter the public
lists with their brothers, or stand on equality
with them.” I don’t want to hear anything of
the sort I have shown you the six of our sex ;
and not a rod off I can find the half dozen from
the opposite. These women ar£not incapable, —
simply untaught, utterly lacking the strong ed-
ucation and development they need and, will
in time demand and obtain. Brought up from
babyhood to allow men to think for them, it has
never yet dawned upon them that they can and
should think and act for themselves. The
time is not far distant, however, when the rub-
bish of years will be removed, and the whole
female world will take and maintain their
rights, and rightful positions. By and bjr I
hope to tell you more of those Imeet, and what
they say. Until then adieu.
Sexology, as the Philosophy of Life; Implying Social
Organisation and Government By Mrs. Elizabeth
Osgood Goodrich Willard Chicago: J. B. Walsh.
We are glad that an American woman of such deep
and pore insight has taken her place among those pio-
neers of reform— tree philosophers. This book is dedi-
cated to sD who love justice, and truth, and humanity.
Bold, original, and comprehensive in thought, it is not
a work to be lightly read or carelessly considered. As
stated by the author, its main idea is the universal pre-
valence of the law of sexual order. As sex runs through
all forms of li/e, and as life depends upon motion, the
laws of sex must necessarily belong to the laws of mo*
tion, underlying all the powers and forces, all the evo-
lutions and revolutions of the universe. In the re-
generation of humanity, theory and practice most
work together as the male and female laws always do
in its generation. Our religious theories have made God
a masculine autocrat, and our practice has corresponded
thereto. In the exercise of “dominion over woman'*
man has preached and practiced Moses instead of Jesus.
This theory and. assumption of masculine superiority
and supremacy over woman has been long and fearful in
its effects— witness debauched men, degraded female
outcasts, and the legalized prostitution of married life —
Woman has never understood herself or her oontrolliDg
or restraining power.
From the law and testimony of nature we find that
the whole universe is seeking, and that the planetary
spheres have found an equalibration of motion. This
path of equilibrium between the sexes must be the
zodiac of justice, harmony, and highest truth in fll hu-
man theory and practice. In a relative sense Soul is the
Mother and Law the Father of Nature, the elements of
which are organized into suns and worlds and every
form of life by the Law of Motion. The fundamental
laws of organization in the solar system are : L Aggre-
gation, Rotation, and Gravitation, a grand concentrated
action of feminine laws, producing condensation and
unity, as in the primitive solar body. 2. Centrifugation,
Evolution, and Segregation are a grand reaction of mas-
culine laws producing division and individuality as
among the planets. Rotation, feminine, and Centrifu-
gation, masculine, are the two most distinct laws of sex.
The laws of motion are resolvable inlo three methods.
1. Molecular, or primal, 2. Curvilinear, produced by the
aggregation and rotation of the elements of matter. 3.
Rectilinear, as in gravitation or its centrifugal reaction.
From the primal condition of the elements, as an infin-
ite sea of molecular motion, the author traces the birth
and growth of suns and worlds, by these laws and
methods of motion. She also treats, incidentally, of
magnetism, of the Glacial Period, and other mysterious
phenomena of nature. She believes in thegreat “ over-
soul” flowing and circulating as spirit through nerves —
tfte lUvtfttttitftt.
that life 1 b an Incarnation of soul, bodily motion being
a transfer of molecular motion which by right conditions
is brought under conscious and voluntary control. She
traces the laws of sex in organic life, stating that from
the solar system to the lowest forms of vegetable and
■nimal life, all generate by the law of division of labor.
The fundamental laws of vegetable and animal organiza-
tion, of h uman organization and development, are con-
sidered— from which the conclusion is deduced that the
assumption of masculine superiority, supremacy, and
mastership in the sexual law and parental office is ex-
tremely inappropriate from the lips of philosophers who
read the great laws of nature. The author thinks that
the organisation of humanity is woman’s work in the
world; to do this properly she should have better con-
ditions than at present, the first step towards this end
being to give her an independent home. Throughout
the whole domain of nature there is a constant action
and reaction of the central and centrifugal, or mascu-
line and feminine laws. Every member of the solar sys-
tem has its masculine and feminine action as well as its*
masculine and feminine position. In its rotary motion
and power of attraction the sun is feminine— in its dis-
tributee action, throwing off light and heat, it is mas-
culine. All things in nature have a corresponding action
and reaction upon these two principles of motion . The
laws of soul, spirit and mind must correspond with those
of matter, else they could not harmonize txfd work to-
gether in the organization of life. Just so frure as that
“ action and reaction are equal,” just so sure is it that
man and woman ape equal in power, though it runs in
different channels in each; it would be contrary to the
established laws of Nature if it were not so. The natural
l^ws of sex, as we read their action, position, and rela-
tion toward each other in the solar add hum«n systems,
teach us the true relations, positions, and labor of man
and woman in the family, in society, and in the govern-
mental orders. As the feminine law is everywhere the
controlling power, this power must be recognized in wo-
man and its law obeyed, before we can ever have order
or harmony in any of the relations of life. In human
society, as it is now organized, there is no balance of
power between man and woman, and of course there is no
harmony. Man, by his power of control with the sword
and in the field of external labor, has usurped all the
natural rights of the mother. He lias deeded to himself
her person, her children, her personal property and
earnings, as well as the earth beneath her feet. These
mighty usurpations he maintains by the power of the
purse, that is, by the power of bread and butter, fuel
and clothing, home and position in society, and, through
the ballot-box, by the strong arm of civil (?) law. Just
as if woman were a beggar on the earth, and had no
natural right even to a shelter from the hands of a race
of beings to whom she as a sex, has given life and birth
and maternal care 1 in consequenoe of the dashing in-
terests of capital and . labor, marriage is becoming im-
possible to any but the rich, and woman is becoming
homeless ; woman is losing even the prospect of the home
which she often obtains by the legalized sale of herself
How remedy the evil? Our government has started on
the right track; its people own, or profess to own and
control the government ; that is, they own and control,
or profess to own and control themselves through their
government. They must also own and be able to control
their capital through the same channels. Our government,
by instruction from the people, must adopt suoh meas-
ures as the people shall demand for their good, and in so
doing they have a right to control the wealth of the na-
tion. The people most demand that every dollar of cap-
ital in the State shall be taxed to provide a home for
every woman of mature age, which shall also be a home
for the man who [is, or shall be, her husband, and for
every married woman or widow with children. Such
homes must be under the general supervision of the
State government or the people’s agents, and herein
would arise an absolute necessity that woman.should
vote; she must have a voice in the general tupervision
of her own home, besides being its individual mistress
and manager.
We think this is but a question of expediency. At
this hour, woman oaks for the ballot as the key of equal-
ity. She demands her right to stand side by side with
man in the avocation of life; and receive " equal pay for
equal work.” Give her these, and she can then earn and
own her home.
Every governmental order, whether general, state, or
town, should have its feminine as well as its masculine
head corresponding to the family. The feminine head
should be central, directive, digestive, controlling; the
m as c uline, external, distributive, executive, and puni-
tive. Woman is just as necessary to the head of the
governmental orders, as the i eminine law of reason is to
the head of the human system, or rotation to the solkr.
Our government lacks its feminine brain, its cerebellum.
Its unitizing power; it lacks its oerebral, feminine law of
intuitive judgment, wisdom, and firmness; it lacks its
feminine conscience its moral control ; it lacks its
feminine centres of sustaining power, its bouI, stomach,
and heart, from which each member should receive its
home for woman and the family, and its capital for man
in the hands of suitable managers. Men judge women
too much by their own law of action. The laws of our
mental constitution are as unlike as our physical. Woman
is to man what the left side of the human organization is
to the right Man fights; woman endures. Man displays
his force of will; woman exercises firmness. Men under-
stand very well that there is no such thing as maintain-
ing personal freedom without the ballot-box, without a
voice in the laws that govern ns. Woman cannot ex-
ercise her law of self-control, or the control of society,
through male agents. Each sex must exercise its own
law, as well in the mental as in the generative sphere.
In the last two chapters of this work, devoted to a dis -
cufsion of human origin and destiny, we find the Bame
fidelity to the author’s conceptions of truth. Simply and
earnestly she interprets the teachings of nature. May
this generation be wise enough to put some of her
theories into practice. o. h.
Just Discrimination. —The Cold Wnier (Mich. )
Sentinel, in a sensible argument on the new Con-
stitution to submitted to the people of that
State, says of' the article on the Election Fran-
chise : It differs very materially from the old
as amended. The voters in the first class are
“ every male citizen of the United States,” —
leaving out the word white and leaving in the
word “ male,” thereby providing that negroes
may vote, but women may not It was the
work of a coward to put that clause in such a
shape that it could not be voted npon separately^.
We are, as we have repeatedly declared, in favor
of the negro voting, so long as he must assist in
the fighting and pays taxes ; but at the same
time we shall oppose any attempt to thrust the
thing down the throats of the people in this
“ omnibus ” fashion. * • * *
This provision denies the ballot to the “bet-
ter half” of the community. The negro may
vote, but the woman who knows enough to train
up a family of boys until old enough to be elect-
ors, and finally teach them how to vote, cannot.
The negro knows enough to vote, but your wife,
your sister, or your mother does not. We would
not insinuate that the gentlemen composing the
Convention did not respect the ladies — not at
all. Not that they loved the ladies less, bat the
negro more. Turn that provision of the “ Elec-
tive Franchise ” as you will, and it is wrong and
ought to defeat any Cohstitntion containing it.
The Convention had both propositions before
them, but adopted the one giving the ballot to
the negro, and rejected the one extending it to
the women ; and it is this vote of censure and
of degradation npon that class, the people are
now called npon to sustain. They are asked to
declare by their votes that the negro is more
intelligent and better qualified to use the elective
franchise than the most refined and best edu-
cated half of our community. Will they do it ?
Lady Members in Parliament. —Gordon, in
his Antiquities of Parliament, says : “ The
ladies of birth and quality sat in council with
the Saxon Witas. The Abbess Hilda (says Bede)
presided in an ecclesiastical synod. In Wight-
fred’s great council at Becooficeled. A. U. 694,
the abbesses sat and deliberated, and five of
them signed decrees of that council along with
the king, bishops and nobles. King Edgar’s
charter to the Abbey of Crowland, A. D. 961,
was with the consent of the nobles and abbesses
who signed the charter. In Henry the Third’s
and Edward the First’s time, four abbesses were
summoned to Parliament, namely, of Shaftes-
bury, Berking, St. Mary of Winchester, and of
Wilton. In the thirty-fifth of Edward the Third
were summoned, by writ of Parliament— to ap-
pear there by their proxies — namely, Mary
Countess of Norfolk, Alienor Countess of Or-
mond, Anna Despenser, Phillipa Countess of
March, Johanna Fitzwater, Agnata Couhtess of
Pembroke, Mary de St. Paul, Mary de Boos,
Mathilda Countess of Oxford, Catherine Count-
ess of Athol. These ladies were called ad
colloquium ad Iracfatum by their proxies — a
privilege peculiar to the peerage to appear and
act by proxy.”
A correspondent of the Springfield (Mass.)
Republican, describing the Louisiana Constitu-
tional Convention, says : “The members are
about equally divided between colored and
white, and are interspersed without distinction.
There, is more familiarity and social freedom,
as is the case here generally, among them than
I am accustomed to ; and for something else
here, the negroes are not black. Only five or
six out of the whole number are of foil black
blood. The rest are a kaleidoscope of color.
There are fine gentlemen among them, with
elegant French manners, and betruying no
consciousness of social inferiority. One in par-
ticular, Mr. Pinchbeck, would be remarked any-
where ; tall, well-formed; well-dressed, with
polished, insinuating address, open counten-
ance, dreamy, luxurious eyes, high forehead,
clear cut features, pointed Spanish moustache,
color about half way between silver and gold ;
"altogether one of the handsomest men yon are
likely to meet. One of the most sensible speak-
ears, too, in the convention, acting as mediator,
as he has a right to do, between white and
Miss BubdettCoutts’s charities, it is said, are
always well directed. Her latest effort for the
relief of the tenants of her model lodging-houses
in London enables them to obtain the franchise
to which they are entitled by the Beform Bill.
She undertakes to pay their rates for them, with-
out increasing their, rents ; and, as a mark of
gratitude, the householders thus transformed
into voters illuminated their dwellings on the
night of the 4th instant At her suggestion an
association has feen formed to furnish work for
the unemployed in road -making, cleaning
streets, and in similar ways. Miss Coutts has
undertaken to pay 250 persons for six months,
at about fifty cents a day, and has given $1,500
toward Hie road making fund.
The London Star regrets that there is but one
Miss Contts and adds, “ the destitute creatures
in the east of London, who can hardly keep body
and soul together, are summoned for poor rates,
and they appear before the court actually gnaw-
ing the orosts with which the charity of the
public has provided them.”
Ballot as Protection. — You may tpll me
the negroes ought to vote because they are men
and human beings, and need the ballot for
their protection. I ought to vpte because I am
a woman and a human being, and need the
ballot for my protection. Prove their greater
claim to the right, by their mental and moral
superiority, and for myself I will be humbly
silent. But when you coolly insist upon their
greater claim to the elective franchise, in consid-
eration of their “immense and potential ser-
vices ” in the war, yon roll back the war-stained
sod from the face of my dead.
"Green Prairie, Kansas. Faith Sain.
We publish this article from the World to
show that our' “ new friends ” are learning
the argument, and giving the history of the
past a patient investigation in* search of facts.
Have no fears that, in the good time coming,
when women shall be representatives in our na-
tional councils and judges in our supreme
courts, that, from lack of reasoning power, they
will lower the tone of these convocations by
substituting silks and laces for banks and tariffs.
It might be hoped that women who have
been daily readers of the World for the last six
years would not compare unfavorably with a
Republican Congress. As to revenging ourselves
for past wrongs, know, then, our fathers, bro-
thers, sons are all men. Can you not trust
yourselves as we have for past years to the
friends of your household ?
Whenever we demand the right to vote, men
turn up the whites of their eyes with a look of
injured innocence, and say, Can you not trust us,
your natural protectors ? Oh ! no ; we all
be so happy in the good time coming there will
be no revenge m our hearts; e. o. s.
Since everybody Is now entirely satisfied that the bal-
lot in Bures its possessor, sooner or later, all good and
useful things in this world, and a better prospect of sal-
vation in the heavenly, let ns all getylown on our hands
and knees and cry “ Laudamus” to Manchester and to
o Mistress Maxwell, to wnom belong the glory of taking
the first step in the great forward movement of modern
civilization. The city in which the principle of female
suffrage has first been reduced to practice and the ma-
tron who first exercised that blessed privilege of free
women are destined to reoeive the veneration olall com-
ing time.
Suffrage, “ broad and general as the'casing air,” hedged
In by no bigoted distinctions of hue, of race, or of sex,
is destined to be the great law, the cherished safeguard
of the future. To this conclusion the whole course of
modern .thought evidently tends. The icy and pointed
logic of Mill is at one with the warm and not always
logical eloquence ~of American female propagandists.
Give a man a vote and you at once elevate him in the
scale of being. You endow him with intellect and vir-
tue, you make him happy and rich, or else poor and
contented, you increase the fruits of the earth, destroy
disease, and banish crime. Manhood Suffrage in France
has blessed the country with the best rf possible em-
perors, has adorned Paris, and improved the provinces.
To Germany it has given Bismarck : nd unity. Possibly,
with the aid of Garibaldi, it would have constituted the
Eternal City the capital of Italy, had it not been for the
terrible Chassepot.
Vot?s, then, ore evidently the great panacea of “all
the ills that flesh is heir to. ” The ballot-box is the com-
pensation to mankind for the box of Pandora. Why,
then, should we hesitate to follow out the principle to its
legitimate results, and allow the fairest half oi creation
to share the privilege which is even now accorded^ the
African who wears “ the shadowy livery of the burnished
sun," and which in the inevitable course of events must
soon be extended to the native American red man, and
to the emigrant from the Celestial Empire ? Evidently
the tide is too strong to be long resisted. The march of
intellect, the spirit of the age, to say nothing of the
good, the beautiful, and the true, demand it in thunder
tones, which we have only to hear and to. obey.
The necessity of the change being so clearly fore-
shadowed practical men have only to occupy themselves
with its effects. These must necessarily be many and
important The advocates of Womanhood Suffrage con-
tend that it will be a great moral-power, and that vice
and intemperance will soon disappear from the land in
which woman's usual salutary influence is backed by the
power of her vote. Such ideas will, perhaps, seem
Utopian to those who reflect that woman not only shared
in the tall of man but was the efficient cause of it They
will dismally anticipate a male revolt against female
liquor laws, and shudder at the prospect of a war of
Averting our eyes from these dark forebodings,- there
are other probable results of a much more pleasing
charaoter. Foremost among them will be a great im-
provement in the elegance and manners of politics.
Bough language and vulgar deportment have too often
marked assemblages of the sterner sex. The refining
presenoe of women among audienoea who meet to hear
grave national questions discussed, win demand a more
elegant bearing and choicer language. Nor will the im-
provement be confined to mass meetings and ordinary
canvassing. Like the recently enfranchised bondmen,
women win naturally think that those who are qualified
to vote are eligible to fill any post in the government.
They wifl argue that their fine tact and persuasive pow-
er will be admirably suited to diplomacy. Their flowing
eloquence will add a charm to* the debates, of legis-
lative bodies, and their high moral nature will give a
loftier tone to executive administration. Thus female
will be pittied against male candidates, and gallantry will
require that, on the masculine side at least, a stricter
courtesy shall be observed in the canvass than has here-
tofore been the rule. In our legislative bodies a like im-
provement will be perceptible. In the presence of ladies
it will be impossible for members to indulge in the more
easy than decorus habits which now amuse the galleries.
The wordy warfare, if perchance shriller and more con-
tinuous, will at least he less coarse and indecent Fisti
cuffs will be unknown.
The topics to be treated by political aspirants will be
very much changed. Social and aesthetic questions will
supersede political problems. Before an audience of
ladles a speaker win no more discuss intricacies of
finance than Mr. Dombey when little Paul propounded
the momentous question, “ What’s'money ?” Therela-
live merits of the Fanchon and the LambalU bonnet, of
the gored walking dress and the train will be more agree
able subjects than dry details of banking or tariffs. The
leading features of the tariff, however, we may expect to
see totally changed. Although it has been said that wo-
man is not a reasoning animal, as she invariably jumps
at conclusions instead of going through all the steps oi
» logical process, she will not belong in deciding that a
system which raises the price of silks, laces and gloves
so extravagantly cannot be correct, and thus we may
enter upon the road to free trade. It is true she may he
tempted merely to shift the burden and to augment the
duties on cigars, brandies and wines, besides doubling
the excise on whiskey. Little eccentricities of this kind
will be speedily corrected by experience and the infalli-
ble as well as ineffable virtue which resides in the ballot
A more serious danger to the eqilibrium of the govern-
ment lies in the possibility of the new voters thinw» c
that, in compensation for past exclusion, they are en-
titled, for at least a considerable time, to a monopoly of
power. The apparent justice of this would be a very
captivating argument before a female audience. If the
sex could be united upon this subject they would, in
conjunction with the sympathizers of the other sex they
can oount upon, be able to carry their point Should it
come to this we may oonsole ourselves with the reflection
that female government so far as we are able to Judge
by experience, is not a bad thing. Three of the best
epochs of English history are those of Elizabeth, Anne,
and Victoria. A reversal of the 8alic law and a crown
descendible in the female line have consequently been
suggested as an improvement Catherine of Bussia was
one of the ablest sovereigns who ever mounted the
throne of the Czars.
The moral world seems to move, as Bacon thought the
physical did, in spirals. Possibly the phase of male
domination has lasted long enough for the present, and
woman is called to carry on the work. We can hope in
that case that, when she is “ set free, regenerated, and
disenthralled by the irresistible genius of universal
emancipation,” she will temper justice with mercy and
not revenge upon the present generation the wrongs
which the tyrant man has inflicted upon her in the bar-
baric past.
had better rest for future action , if required.' And I
«>uld not help but feel that if the fret Is as he believed
there wa* a statesmanlike reason for his negative vote.
If the fret is, however, otherwise, I trust it will be
made apparent to the understandings of legislators, and
I welcome any means that promise to show it
It seems to me that tffis matter of woman’s inequality
in the affairs of the commonwealth, her enforced position
of inferiority and her extra measure of hardship in all
business pursuits, is one that Is too often presented to
her as a question of my right. This, although true and
important to one class of them, is not a very clear or
urgent view to those in easy positions or in afflnenoe,
and who are often, from their social, advantages and
piety, persona of a great deal of influence in woman’s
affairs. With them the right, it is your duty to do aad
secure to the weak and oppressed, ought to be urged, and
conscience aroused to ait in judgment upon every ques-
tion affecting woman’s rights. Thought and action in
that direction must be made a Christian duty ; doing
to others as you would that they should do to you, a ful-
Ailing of the law of God.
Pardon me if this seems an impertinent obtrusion of
my sentiments upon yon ; my great desire that in tha
mass of women a sense of duty to the subject of wo-
man's rights may be aroused, is my excuse.
Lady Physicians.— The Philadelphia Star
says : There are at least half a dozen lady phy-
sicians in that city, whose incomes severally 'ex-
ceed two thousand dollars. In New York female
physicians have been remarkably successful.
The highest income of a female physician in
this city is fifteen thousand dollars. Opposition
has been made, both in this country and in
England, to the policy of educating women for
physicians. In Prance, however, the greatest
liberality has been shown to women in this re-
tempted merely to shift the burden and to augment tie gard » many of our best physicians have
duties on cigars, brandies and wines, besides doublinJT S^^ted from French schools.. When Bliss
Nightingale undertook to prepare herself for
the education of nurses, there was no institu-
tion in England suited to her wants, and she
went to Germany to study.
Miss S. B. Anthony : The two numbers of *« The
Bevoluhon” were received yesterday. Enclosed find
two dollars, amount of yearly subscription.
I sincerely wish you success Ih your undertaking, and
it seems to me the support given to a well-conducted
paper in the interest of a truly impartial suffrage, will be
a fair answer to the oft-recurring question of how much
and in what numbers women themselves desire an equal
place and privilege in the concerns of the common-
wealth. A member of the Constitutional Conven-
tion of New York told me that he voied a gain st fe-
male suffrage in the convention for one controlling
reason, that he did not believe any considerable number
in comparison with the whole of the women of the 8tate
desired it; and there being no imperative political
reason for forcing the suffrage upon them as in the ease
of the emancipates of the South, he thought the matter
Housekeeping.— Ralph Waldo Emerson, all
of whose views are entitled to respect, has ex-
pressed them on the subject of housekeeping ;
The progress of domestic living has been in
cleanliness, in ventilation, in health, in deoo-
rum, in countless means and arts of comfort, in
the concentration of all the utilities of every
clime in each house. The houses of the rich
are confectionery shops, where we get sweet-
meats and wine ; the houses of the poor are imi-
tations of these to the extent of their ability.
With these ends, housekeeping is not beautiful;
it cheers and raises neither the husband, the*
wife, nor the child ; neither the host, nor the
guest ; it oppresses woman. A house kept to
the end of prudence is laborious without joy ; a
house kept to the end of display is impossible
to all but a few women, £fnd the success is dearly
bought '
Chabactebistic. —The St Louis Democra
was considerably amused at three little girli
playing one evening among the sage brush ii
a back yard. Two of*«. them were ‘ ‘ making
believe keep house ” a few yards distant fron
each other— neighbors, as it ^ere. One o ? then
says to the third little girl : “ There, now,
Nelly, you go to Sarah’s house, ^nd stop a little
while and talk, and then you come back and
tell me what she says about me ; and then I’ll
talk about her, then you go and tell her all I
say, and then we’ll be mad and don’t speak to
each other, just as our mothers do, you know.
O, that’ll be such fun.” Bring woman up to
more important things, and th&y will not have
to set such sorry examples before their young
: ; r gUufllutifltt.
Cjie Efualntijn.
SFSAN B. ANTHONY, Proprietor.
letter and every speech. Daniel Webster de-
clared “his nomination was one not fit to be
made bnt he and all the party chiefe had to
support him to save the party. He was only
nominated by the Whigs to prevent the Demo-
crats from clutching him, precisely as is Grant
to-day by the Republicans. More open-mouth-
ed than Grant, he declared he was willing to be
nominated by either party; and moreover, if
rejected by both parties^ he should embark
alone as an independent candidate, and abide
the result
Jt 1b most important that the people of this country
should clearly understand the position in which they
•re placed in reference to these Alabama claims. When
•11 deduction is made tor faults of national character,
there is in the generality of Englishmen • f and of good
right feeling, which would, if only they were
folly instructed as to that which the government of the
day was doing, prevent any very great or frequent errors
in our foreign policy. Three-fourths of- the warS in
which England has been engaged would have been im-
possible if the nation could have been made fully aware
of what was taking place in the “ drifting ” period.
Lord Hobart has written a letter to the Lon-
don Timfis on the Alabama claims, which con-
tains the extract above, the. leading idea of
which is equally applicable to this government
and nation. For it cannot be doubted that
11 three-fourths” of the very ^reat errors “ in our
policy” would be avoided, or easily remedied,
if the people had beefi fully aware of what was
taking place. But in this country, as well as
in Great Britain, the people proper have very
little to do with their government, either in its
making' or execution ; and in our Presidential
elections, nearly nothing. Practically and al-
most literally in th^i particular, they are a grand
“Know Nothing Party.” Surely no one will
deny this as between them and General Grant.
Catechised on all hands for his opinions on na-
tional affairs, his only responses are peevish
puffs of smoke from unquenchable cigars.
Who knows or is likely to know whether there
be anything more substantial in him ?
Gen. Harrison weU} nominated to the presid-
ency for better or worse, without a platform.
The Websters and Clays, the Sewards and
the Everetts of the party bowiug before 'his
Littleness, that the people might be the
more easily seduced into his support. Four
■years afterwards, the platforms of both
parties on the main question, the annexation
of Texas to the Union, were so exactly
alike that the difference between them was
never discovered or discoverable. Nor until
his nomination had one of the candidates, Mr.
Polk, been discovered by a vast majority of
those who gave him their votes. He was as lit-
tle known before he was President as he has
been respected since.
The old Whig party cursed the Mexican war,
to the very corrupting of the English language,
and then nominated General Taylor, the hero
of it, ior his availability. But for the part he
bore in that wanton butchery, at the bidding of
slavery, he would have been as unknown as the
blood-hounds with which he hunted the Semi-
nole Indians a few years before, also at the be-
hest of slavery. Being nominated, he began
an electioneering career of writing and speech-
making, to the mortification of his party, ad-
dressing all classes and parties alike, but in so
vague a manner as that it is not known to this
day (nor caipd) to whom he belonged, “i am
a Whig but not an ultra Whig " (“ Radical ” it
would be to-day), was the spinal column of every
Abraham Lincoln was nominated on a plat-
form embodying on one hand the Declaration
of Independence, and on the other a stem ana-
thema which virtually branded the immortal
John Brown as “ guilty of the gravest of crimes /”
And amid the kindling flames of the rebellion a
Republican Senator declared in Congress “ The
Republican party do condemn the act of John
Brown; but do not condemn the act of Virginia
in hanging him.” And Senator Sumner, in
speeches of most tempestuous eloquence proved,
branded and execrated slavery as a five or seven
headed Barbarism, and closed with most fervid
appeals to the people to vote Mr. Lincoln into
the presidency, when he knew that a part of his
record was :
That he was opposed to any interference with that
“ Barbarism '* in the States, or in the District of Colum-
bia, without consent of and compensation to the master ;
he was not opposed to admitting more slave States ; he
was in favor of a Fugitive Slave Law ; he was opposed to
negro suffrage ; and to any elevation whatever of the
colored race to equality with the white.
And further, as reported in his debate with
Stephen A. Douglas :
“lam not, nor never have been, in favor of mak-
ing voters or jurors of negroes, nor qualifying them to
bold office, and I will say in addition to this, that there
is a physical difference between the black and white
races, which I believe will forever forbid the two races
from living together on terms of social and political
equality— and, inasmuch as they cannot live, while they
do remain together, there must be a position of superior
and inferior ; and I, as much as any other man, am in
flavor of having the superior position assigned to the
white race. * *
His very last public speech, made on his return
from Richmond after its surrender, showed
that the war had made but slight change
in his opinions, none at all in his prejudices.
But for the masterly strategy of Mr. Sumner in
the Senate, lassooing a number of Democrats
into voting with him against it, Reconstruction
would have commenced in Louisiana on the
basis of white male suffrage, the poor blacks
being left as completely in the power of their
old masters as ever, the hate of those masters
re-kindled against them by the war, with the
very fires of hell.
We had a candidate once for Vice-President,
who was President of the American Tract Socie-
ty at the same time. He too electioneered lib-
erally lor himself. Being a zealous supporter
of the respectable religion of the time, the
comic papers showed him as a tall, portly gen-
tleman, with his benignant face toward the
North, having both hands extended to the ad-
miring crowd, filled with primers, tracts and
testaments to be traded of course for their
votes. Behind him stood the South, gazing de-
lighted into his huge coat pockets bursting out
with whips, fetters, bowie-knives, revolvers,
and the whole paraphernalia of slavery.
There is need of no more illustration, or the
history of Andrew Johnson as candidate for the
Vice-Presidency would furnish a volume. It is
enough for the present to say that those who
nominated him knew him intimately from the
opening of the rebellion and long before:
When hostilities commenced he was a Senator
in Congress from Tennessee. Associated with
him vere Collamer of Vermont, Hamlin of
Maine, Hale of New Hampshire, Sumner and
Wilson of Massachusetts, Seward of New York*
Wade of Ohio, and Henry Winter Davis of
Maryland. These men made him Vice-Presi-
dent, knowing that his sympathies were from
the outset as to-day, who Uy with the rebdlion.
He made no secret of his opinions in the Sen-
ate. The infamous Crittenden propositions he
supported to the very last, though every Sena-
tor voted against them except Seward, and he
refused to answer when his name was called.
Tho9Q propositions wculd have, riveted a more
humiliating slavery cn the North than ever
shamed or scourged the human race. And yet,
to the astonishment of even Jefferson Davis,
who had not then seceded from the Senate, he
declared that “ unless the North give us wha,
we consider the needful guarantees for slavery un -
der the Constitution, I will go as faT as he who
goes farthest!” And his own demands, when he
pressed them as amendments to the Constitu-
tion, cast the Crittenden measures entirely into
the shade.
Such was the man whom the Republican
party leaders, in Congress and out, made Vice-
President, knowing well his whole career, ‘and
with the aid of Wilkes Booth, fit accomplice in
so fell a work, they made him President.
The people were loyal to their leaders. The
people trust them stilL But it shall not be the
fault of “ The Revolution” if they do so longer.
Many of the present republican leaders were
democrats while pay and plunder were on that
side. Now they share the spoils with the re-
publicans. Birds of prey, they snuff the carcass
from afar. They fed on their own party till the
last worm died and the last fire was quenched.
Now they are feasting on republican rottenness.
To the Jews they were Jews while Jewing paid.
Now they are Greeks for the same reason; be-
ing made thieves to all men, that by all means
they may steal some.
And the blinded, hoodwinked people must
pay the costs, though their streets wail and
shiver with famine and nakedness and winter’s
cold. The people are but the cards with which
political blacklegism plays and wins. Congress
is a cheat and a sham. For a time it pretended
to maintain a show of decency by appointing-^
committees of investigation that some of the
diabolisms of the government should be ex-
posed. But it was found to be so delicate a
business, implicating numbers of the whited
sepulchres in all the departments, that finally,
on motion of a rabid Republican, Spaulding of
Ohio, all committees of the House then taking
testimony forthwith ceased to do so with-
out farther orders. To this infamous procedure
the people also are blind, as to a thousand
others more heinous still.
A writer from Washington in the last New
York Mercury says : “Among the topics of con- *
versation now at the capital is the prevalence #
and increase of drunkenness, among both Re-
presentatives and Senators,” confirming fully
Senator Wilson’s startling report last year in
Boston. To this horrible fact also the people
seem to be blind. Indeed, the whole nation
seems a case of “ suspended animation ;” a
frightful asphyxy, the end of which must soon
be deatli. And the most alarming feature is
that nearly non* seem to know that anything is
lit* fUMltttiott
the matter. Truly might the cry of the Hebrew
minstrel be uttered:
“ The prophets prophesy falsely.
And the priests bear role by their moans.
And my people love to have it so;
But what will ye do in the end thereof?”
P. P.
* •
The New York Times says Senator Cragin of
New Hampshire, in his late speech in the Sen-
ate “ \£ould impose no qualifications on suf-
frage but what God had given to each sane citi-
zen not convicted of crime.” The question
then is, why does Mr. Cragin put in a brace of
qualifications in his very sentence eulogizing
* ‘ universal” suffrage ? If suffrage be a gif t from
Heaven, why take it from any human being?
The fact is, adds the Times, that the loose talk
of suffrage as a God-given right leads into pal-
pable absurdities, and When suffrage is denied
to a lunatic because he is incompetent to exercise
it, the whole argument for “ universal” suffrage
disappears. Not long ago, however, the same
journal declared “ New York has universal suf-
frage excepting a small property qualification
for negroes. ” “ The Revolution” thinks “ this
loose t lk” about universal suffrage in the Times
not only leads to, but is ‘ 4 palpable absurdity.”
For what can be more absurd than the idea that
universal suffrage means not the whole, not
a majority even, but only^a small .'minority ?
One-hall the people of the country are disfran-
chised to begin with, and one word of four let-
ters, male, is the fiery bolt more potent than all
the terrors of Jove, to cleave them down. It is
not pretended that they are idiots, lunatics,
paupers or crim in al s . And yet their husbands
and brothers, in solemn conventions and legisla-
tures, have deliberately doomed them to even
worse degradation and abasement than any of
these are necessarily compelled to suffer. The
idiot school has lifted many a poor being to at
least the position of a voter and a citizen. The
lunatics are every year restored to reason and
the rights of citizenship. Paupers may become
presidents if they are so fortunate as to marry
wives who know the alphabet, if they them-
selves do not And presidents can pardon
criminals into voters at the rate of fifty thou-
sand a year. But alas for woman ! God made
her woman, not she herself ; and she cannot add
one cubit to her political stature. The Ethio-
pian cannot change his skin, nor the leopard
his spots, nor woman her sex, nor h er p olitical
status. Usurpation has trodden her down, un-
til politically she is not reckoned at all. We
have “Universal Suffrage,” according to the
Times , and not a woman is known at the ballot
box. She is the mother of men but is not
known among men ; has ho right which men
are bound to respect. Saturn, it was said, de-
voured his children. White male citizenship
devours its mother. In Patmos “the dragon
stood before the woman to devour her child as
soon as it was bom.” In this nation the babe
becomes the dragon, and swallows the woman.
And this political cannibalism gets baptized as
“ democracy, republicanism and Christianity
and prates of “ Universal Suffrage ; liberty and
equality ; no taxation without representation ;
and all just governments deriving their power
from the consent of the governed!” Think of
it, “Messrs. Times. P . P .
The Boston Fenians have resolved to work
on St. Patrick's Day, and devote the earnings
to the cause of Irish independence.
Explanation. — It is due to Mr. Garrison to
say that the letter from him, upon which we
commented last week, was written as a private
expostulation, and not intended by him for the
public, eye. It will be seen that we have a de-
partment for private correspondence, criticising
ourselves, our associates, our paper, and its ob-
jects, and we are glad to have everybody know
what is thought of us, by foe os well as friend,
and we hope none vill whisper in our ears what
may not be proclaimed on'the housetop.
At the recent meeting in Boston of the Mas-
sachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, Wendell Phil-
lips said :
The pusillanimity of the Republican party has already
brought loss as well as disgrace upon themselves. It
they had been true to the'nagro they would not have
lost the 8tates of Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio and
Kentucky. If they continue to prove false to the
blacks, the party will go to ruin. A party should have
some principle and stand by it The Republicans
ougnt long ago to have put Sherman, Trumbull, Fes-
senden and the other obstructionists out of the way.
Do you ask what shall we do ? Try to do better. Give
the next nomination to a man whose life pledges him to
you— not his words only. And when you attack the
treacherous President do it directly , by impeachment—
not by undermining and circumventing.
The Republicans have failed through their own blun-
der. If one direct and above-board effort had been
made, the President would have been removed, the
people would have sustained the action, the crisis
would have been safely passed. If Johnson is unfit to
hold the powers of President why not siill impeach
him. The course now pursued is not statesmanlike;
it is letting down the enthusiasm of the nation. Neither
will the matter be amended by putting Grant in The
Mr. Phillips then read a resolution of thanks to the
ladies who had aided the cause by serving at the re-
freshment tables, thus enabling out-of-town friends to
get their dinner and tea without going out into the wet
“ Resolved, That the thanks of this Society be pre-
sented to those ladies who have so cordially devoted their
time and labor to our social entertainment by presiding
at the tables through the day.”
•Mr. Phillips thinks that “ had the Republi-
cans been true to the negro, they would not
have lost so many States at the last autumn
elections.” If ha and his friends had been true
to the women of the country, they would have
at least saved the negro; and in Kansas and
Wisconsin the ballot might and probably would
have been given to woman. He well and truly
adds, “ If they continue to prove false to the
blacks, the party will go to ruin.” And if Mr.
Phillips proves false to the women, .the cause of
the blacks will be ruined also. Reformers, too,
as well as Republicans, “ should have some
principles, and stand by them.” ' And if “Re-
publicans have failed through their own blun-
der,” so too, it may be interred, have the expe-
diency abolitionists who ask suffrage for only
one-half of those who have equal right to it.
The republican party in Connecticut have as
good right to stab the black man in his claim
to the ballot, as have abolitionists to do the
same or worse as regards women. Jn the South,
black men vote and are voted for. They frame
constitutions, enact Jaws, and execute them.
They sit on juries, plead at the bar, and will
soon come as judges to the bench. But the
women of Boston, the “hub of the universe,’*
“ the Athens of the world,” do none of these
things. So let them busy themselves in pio-
viding collations for abolitionists who ignore
their rights, and be paid in polite votes of
thanks “for suoh cordial devotion of their
Just as we go to press we receive the follow-
ing from our friend Mr. Train.
Cell 12, Cobk Jail, )
(Spelt Gaol on Cell Wardrobe.^ v
Monday, Jan. 20, 1868. J
Deab Parker Pillsbuby : Am prohibited
from writing editors by the Governor. Can
receive no letters, nor send any, except endors-
ed by him with initials in red ink, J. J. As I
write Durant to-day in London, they have taken
away everything hut my qay-e-iy — so pardon the
colored paper. I have been in many jails, but
never before in a murderer’s cell. The govern-
ment, however, kindly pay my board. In-
asmuch as I dropped one hundred thousand
dollars in giving thorn street railways, it is fair
that I 4 get back some interest. My cell is nine
feetsquare, walls ninety feet thick, lock one foot
square; key ten inches long and weighs a pound,
straw bed, no pillow, no mat, on cold stone* floor,
no candle allowed here from 5 p. m. to 7 p, m.
Fourteen hours in dark. No clothes since Fri-
day night. Body searched, but not examined to
see if I was a Hebrew. Nothing left in iqy
possession but these few sheets of gayety !
No knife to clean fingers, no comb for hair,
no one allowed to come into my cell. Came in
with police escort, armed with 8nyder Break-
heads, and am not allowed to see a newspaper.
Know nothing of what has happened since leav-
ing New York, Jan. 8. .
. Theory of British law,- “ everybody innocent
till found guilty.” Practice, “ every body guilty
till found innocent” No letters to press are
allowed to pass until first submitted to Sir
Thomas Larkom, the high authority at Dublin.
First night was whistling “ Yankee Doodle,”
when I was peremptorily stopped by the jailor,
“ Not allowed.” Sung “ Hail Columbia Happy
Land.” Not allowed. Against rules. Was told
if I repeated it, I should be reported. Sc began
to talk. Reminds me of Peter Cagger, oT'the
Albany Regency at Chicago : “ Unless the gen-
tleman come to order, shall be obliged to call
him by name.”
Tell Mrs. Stanton and Miss Anthony that
tneir paper caused the trouble. They gave me
fifty copies, and some of the Woman’s Suffrage,
Kansas epigram campaign pamphlets. My Irish
papers passed ; but that word “ Revolution ”
— the name of the paper — was too much. All
were at once confiscated. Police authorities
read it. The books and the papers were sub-
mitted to the Inspector-General, and he brought
me before the magistrate. They read the ar-
ticles on Finance, Press, Woman, and Miss
Anthony’s speech at Rahway on the American
Senators, and treason was at once pronounced,
and here I am. Give yourself no trouble, shed
to tears ; my friends Beecher, Phillips, Greeley
and TiUon, will be sure that 1 get my deserts. I
have just finished a long editorial to the Lon-
don Times , but the Governor has prohibited it.
Of course I have hear£ nothing from Adams.
Probably playing poker with Stanley, as Seward
used to play whist with Lord Lyons.
Truly, Geo. F. Train.
Imperial Hotel, i
Cork, January 22, 1868. \
Dear Mr. Pillsbuby : I send you the Exam-
iner by post, having your letter in print As a
matter of history, I send you the original letter
stopped by government. “The Revolutions’
are still in the hands of the polioe. I am claim"
I ing $500,000 dollars damages, and intend lec-
I turing in the lion’s den. I want to show England
lit* fUvflttttifltt.
one man who is not afraid. The London Stan-
dard, Daily News, Telegraph, Post, Star, and
Times, all have long editorials. England is as-
tonished at what they call impudence. I lect-
ure in Cork on Monday. * * »
All England sees Fenianism in woman’s rights.
George Francis Train.
The following letter from Miss Ellen L. Calla-
nan of the Hill, Clonakilty, was sent to Mr. Train
while in prison :
The HiLii, Clonakilty, - )
Monday Evening. J
Dear Sir : I have just read of your arrest
at Queenstown.' The arrest and imprisonment of
Irish Americans has become of late so much a
matter of course, that such a proceeding has
ceased to excite even a faint expression of sur-
prise; but the arrest of a native-born American
is something new, and has given rise to a feel-
ing of intense astonishment, coupled with indig-
nation, in many minds throughout the country.
America has been so very long about putting
the government of this country into the right
track as regards the treatment of American cit-
izens that it is not a matter of wonder they now
believe they can treat even native Americans in
the same cavalier manner in which it has been
their custom these few years past to
treat Irish bom citizens and citizens
bom of Irish parent^ who hail from
the great western Republic of America
I write to tender you my sympathy and the
sympathy of many of my friends on the
disagreeable commencement of your visit to
our unfortunate country. Do not blame the
people of Ireland, for it is the hospitality which
the alien Executive of poor Ireland generally
tenders to all who wear “ square-toed boots.”
I send you my kind feelings and respects. I
have read much about you — both of your ad-
vocacy of woman suffrage in your own land,
and your kind sympathy with the people of
our trampled land ; nor could I leave this op-
portunity of telling you to slip. I trust your
detention will not be for long, and that your
message to President Johnson will meet with
a speedy answer wid speedier action.
With kindest regards and wishes for your re-
lease, I remain, sincerely yours,
Ellen L. Calkin an.
George F. Train, Esq.
only three-eighths of an inch of boiler
Off Ireland, January 17, 1868.
Editors of the Revolution :
Revolutions never go backward. Is that
really so ? Do they always go forward ? Tours
I hope will. It was a Revolution to be the
first to name a newspaper “The Revolution.”
Ten thousand newspapers and only one Revo-
lution. Yet we live in the age of Revolution.
Going to sea in a boat of 3-8 of an inch
boiler between me and the fishes is Revolution.
Nine thousand votes for women in Kansas was
Revolution. The emancipation of twenty mil-
lions of white serfs in Russia; and four millions
of black slaves in America at the same time,
was Revolution. Lord Derby and Disraeli lead-
ing the liberal party, bottling up Bright, Stuart
Mill and Gladstone, and adding one million of-
voters to the English Franchise, was Revolution.
Inaugurating, organizing subsidies and prac-
tically building the World’s Highway to China
during our civil war, was more than Revolution.
Putting two millions of men and a thousand
chips of war intoJhe battle field or battle water
— for an idea — that idea being nationality, was
Revolution. As grand as earthquakes, hurri-
canes and volcanoes ; a meteoric shower of parrot
guns, mineral balls and bombshells ; disbanding
that army — turning loose their military — hu-
manity hunting sportsmen — reducing it from
2,000,000 to 50,000 was Revolution. Asia send-
ing America to Europe as an Embassador is
Revolution. While the Pope's temporal power
is going down in Italy, the Tycoon’s spiritual
power is going up in Japan. What is it but
Revolution ? Congress, wiping out Johnson to
kill the one-man power of Lincoln is as much
Revolution as it was Revolution for Johnson to
wipe out the one-man power of Congress. Bis-
marck, wiping out the work of two Napoleons
—doing as much in sixty days as they did in
sixty years — vfas Revolution. A special police-
man of London in 1848 — the special policeman
of all Europe in 1868 is Revolution. But the
greatest Revolution that has ever been record-
ed will be when America ceases to toady
to England, and Americans discharge their wet-
nurse, and being ninety one years of age, go
into business; for themselves.
George Francis Train.
The New York World, of Saturday last, con-
tains a number of letters written by Mr. Train
on his passage to England, which we would
gladly give our readers in “ The Revolution,”
were its colums of capacity sufficient Of their
quality there is no need to speak. Let them
be read, as they will be by myriads, and they will
find their proper place in the public estima-
tion. The following is one of them. Its state-
ments of fact as to the condition of the South
are confirmed by clouds of competent wit-
nesses. Nor does he do the Duchess herself
more than justice when he assures her, “ That
every New England Abolitionist appreciates
her untiring devotion to the anti-slavery cause,
and every true reformer respects her char-
acter : ”
On Board the Scotia, )
Off Ireland, January 16, 1868. J
To Her Grace the Duchess of Sutherland, London :
Every American is familiar with your name. Your
splendid letter to the American women is in all our
memories. Every true reformer respects your character.
Every New England Abolitionist appreciates your un-
tiring devotion to the anti-slavery cause. Our Harriet
Beecher Stowes almost worship you. For more than a
quarter of a century you have espoused the cause of the
blacks. Thanks to your exertions, through Exeter Hall
and Lord Shaftesbury, our four millions of once unhappy
slaves (who, some scoffers say, had what they shall eat,
what they shall drink, and wherewithal they shall be
clothed ; who, under the old patriarchal system, pos-
sessed cottages, churches, schools, doctors, and pursuit
of happiness ; who never knew want, misery, or starva-
tion), are now happy freemen ! Slavery, thanks to Exeter
Hall, is eradicated for ever from American soill We
have killed slavery bg nearly killing the slave. But Revo-
lution is the result — Revolution in word, thought, action.
Intelligent English travellers on board our steamer say
gaunt famine stares the freedman in the face. No
hats, no shoes, clothes worn out ; no chickens, hogs
eaten up, corn all gone ; no rice, no potatoes, shanties
roofless ; no Are, no coal or wood ; furniture sold, chil-
dren half naked, women starving ; no chance to work,
plantations running to waste. Every little railway
station is filled with the half-starved wretches, waiting
for some passing passenger to throw them a bone or a
crust oi bread. Another West Indian picture. Planters
having no capital, overdraw their accounts with factors*
and the cotton which costs twenty cents to produce only
netting eight cents, it has failed the factors. So that as
January is the month to plough, February to sow, and
nobody having money or seed they cannot employ labor.
hence ruin and disaster have wrecked the once happy
South. Black and white alike involved in the general
ruin. As Exeter Hall joined in a boay the Confederate
cause, showing the deep sympathy the British aristo-
cracy had in the slaveholders’ rebellion, I feel that I am
doing you a kind act in showing you the terrible state
of the poor blacks in the South. I am commissioned by
a large and influential body of them US ask your Grace
for some practical demonstration of your long-lived
friendship. They feel in their hour of need that they
can depend upon you and your noble confreres of Exeter
Hall. Any donations which you may have, or may col-
lect for this unhappy race that your people planted on
American soil, can be. sent to our minister, Charles'
Francis Adams, who considers the negro a man and a
brother, but dees not think our Irish-Amerlcan citizens
in the English provinces have any rights which our gov •
eminent is bound to respect. A Gaudaloupe massacre
is in the Soutfiero air. The blacks are armed, and blood
will be shed before they will starve. For God’s sake let
your noble heart swell out with some substantial token
of your love for this people before it is too late. Should
yon do me the courtesy to acknowledge this letter,
please address Morley’s Hotel, Trafalgar square, Lon-
don. With every respect, sincerely,
George Francis Train.
Toe Hebrew prophet walked unharmed in the den of
lions. So, too, our friend and countryman Geo. Francis
Train has become a lion tamer, surpassing Van Amburgh
him welf.
The New York Mercury thinks the arrest of George
Francis Train at Cork was the greatest blunder John
Bull has committed yet. The Derby government will
yet discover that they have now an antagonist on hand
unlike the patient, peaceable Seward.
Our diplomatizing Secretary of State, indeed, might
well take a lesson firom Train in the art of enforcing de-
batable claims. Who can number the voluminous dis-
patches which our venerable Secretary has written to
demonstrate the justice of America’s right to be indem-
nified for the injuries inflicted on her commerce by the
depredations of the Alabama ? And all without effect.
But George Francis has been as prompt sb Seward has
bedh procrastinating. Beyond question. Train has ren-
dered himself liable to a second arrest by the assumption
of this new role; but will the British government ven-
ture to repeat the blunder ? If they should rearrest him
and bring him to trial as a preacher and promoter of
treason, George Francis, because of his American birth,
will be entitled to have six foreigners on his jury, which
would insure his acquittal, and triumph over the govern-
ment; while, if they leave him at large, and suffer him
to go ahead, his appeals to the public in behalf of Ireland
and Fenianism may rekindle the embers of disaffection,
and set the island onoe-more in a blaze. It is plain,
then, that Train has already got the British government
into a dilemma, either horn of which will gore them.
Important if True. — The newspaper talk to-
day is “ that Parker Pillsbury, the old abolition-
ist and co-worker with Garrison and Phillips, is
to stamp New Hampshire along with Henry Clay
Deane of Iowa, for the Democratic ticket.”
The report may be true, bat had not reached
the said editor’s ear before. The motto of
“The Revolution” is “Educated, Suffrage,
irrespective of Color or Sex ; ” and if the De-
mocracy of that State have stumping to do in
that line, let them apply at 37 Park Row (Room
17), and their demand shall be met to the fullest
possible extent.
A Black Man on the Ballot for Woman:
— Charles Langston, brother of the better known
JohnM. Langston, Esq., was, with other men of
his color, ministers and lagmen, in the field as#
opponents of woman’s right of suffrage during
the campaign in Kansas of Mrs. Stanton and
Miss Anthony there last autumn. Langston
defines himself on the question thus ; agreeing
exactly with, Reverend L S. Kallock :
Conferring the right of suffrage upon women would
be very bad policy; decent women would have nothing
to do with it, while bad women Would vote; and the
result would be that pimps and prostitutes would rule
the day. esnadallv in cities like Leavenworth.
Gbn. Grant, it is said, is quite demonstrative
on one important question now agitating many
of the State Legislatures, namely the liquor
question. The Washington correspondent of
the Connecticut Courant says :
The leader in this week’s Independent, written *by
Theodore Tilton, who spent two days here, last week,
arreBts general attention in this city. Tilton insinuates
that Grant was tipsy on a recent Sunday. Copperheads
here have been circulating a monstrous falsehood in
reference to the General, accusing him of beastly drun-
kenness on a public street That there was a slight
foundation for the story is not denied, and the General as
deeply regrets it as any of his friends, but the current
stories upon the subject are cruel exaggerations.
The Hartford Times , a democratic Journal,
comments on its Repablican neighbor thus :
The Courant suppressed the telegraphic dispatch
which was sent to it.
Not “beastly” but “slightly” drunk in the public
streets on Sunday. That is the story sent on by the
correspondent of the Courant and other papers— and
which the Courant suppresses. It is notorious in Wash-
ington that General Grant was found on F. street, in
the capital of the nation, on Sunday, Jan. 5, intoxicated,
and that he was conducted to more private quarters by
friends; and that only a few days previous, during the
Christmas holiday?, in a similar condition. The Cour-
ant’s correspondent alludes to the facts, |which Tilton
touches in the Independent, as follows:
“Occasionally a Presidential candidate is seen fuddled
in the streets ; but, as this happens only on a Sunday, it
cannot be said to interfere with public business !”
Readers of “ The Revolution ” will be glad
to see the following, when told that it was writ-
ten on Sunday and by one of the soundest Or-
thodox ministers in America or out of it— the
editor of the Church Union.
wro VOTES.
That every mind will one day tell who shall rule and
what shall be the laws of the land, no sane man or
woman can doubt. That the mind of a person encased
in a rum-soaked casket, redolent of years of inebrity, is
no better than the mind of a pure and good woman, is
so great a truth that a paper has been started to teach
this wonderful new and revolutionary idea.
Beecher has said the devil owns New York. Why?
Because he does all the voting. He has some nine
thousand grog-shops running night and day, every one of
them a hell epitomized. Stretch them out, and see what
a Broadway they will make. Nine thousand numbers
to one street, more than four avenues, from the Battery
to Bloomingdale, parallel with each other, every house
a grog-shop and every home a hell! No wonder the
devil owns New York. These pothouses are the homes
ofthe rulers of the city, and there are good Christian
men who have labored here thirty years, and are now
wrestling under a city debt of twenty million dollars.
Their plaints are enough to make one week. They are
helpless as slaves in Barbary. They organize Citizen's
Associations, and vainly attempt with about thirtyt hens-
and sober and honest men to outvote ninety thousand
rascals. Gentlemen, when your millennium comes in
this way, wake us up.
Now there hath arisen one Elizabeth Cady Stanton, said
to be the daughter of a judge, therefore of good blood,
and fit to live in Fifth avenue, and doubtless if she would
devote her mind to parties, balls, operas, smoutching
money from her liege lord, flirting with Bev. (permitted
by a vote of editors Church Union) Cream. Cheeses, getting
tight on whiskey punches, and otherwise living like a
lady, she would be noticed somewhat But, strange per-
versity ! she gets it into her head that there are about
three hundred thousand kble-bodied women in New
York that know about as much as the keepers of those
nine thousand grog-shops and their patrons-induding
sundry doctors of divinity, who think Paul didn’t want
women to be of any use in the world— and thinks, also,
that these women are about as pure and quite as likely
to advocate clean streets or clean morals as the patrons,
pimps and priests of the pothouses aforesaid. (Brother
you say this is hard on the priests. Are you aware that
more than half the clergy, yea, two-thirds of theevan-
gelical ministry in New York, drink wine, and many
worse ? Where do they buy it, if not at the pothouses ?
No matter if Bridget gets it). This strange woman hath
takdn to her one Parker Pfllsbury (an infidel, we hear
Sorry for that Could she find a Christian though ?) and
a poor crazy trampay builder named Train, and with the
heart of another woman to stay her up, these four leave
come like the four Hebrew children into this furnace.
Now, we need not tell our readers that not a Fifth avenue
noodle but will turn up at this high-blooded daughter of
a judge. “ And what fanaticism ! They expect to set up
a revolution. Ha ! ha ! ha ! And woman vote ? The
Bible is against it," says our poor whimpering Christian
taxpayer, who is President of the Citizen’s Association,
and pays, and prays too, for a revolution. “ No, no. If
we cannot outnumber the thieves and pothouse politi-
cians without woman, I shall join the opposition to put
down this radicalism.”
Noble, brave little woman ! we never saw her in our
life. But henceforth, woman of “ The Revolution,” we
hope you will let us help you' all we can. All the power
this paper has gotten it has gained by integrity to the
right. All hail ! “ Revolution. ’ ’ We don’t ask if you have
money. God sends that when he has a work to do. We
don’t ask of you to take our creed. We only say Christ
will often be the only friend you will have, if you take
him once tod forever into yonr councils. If you do not,
you will have up-hill work. Never mind about the creed.
You vote down the Bible, and we’ll vote it up ; and if
we beat, you must obey. If we don’t, we dont’t say what
we’ll do, only we won’t do wrong if the heavens frl].
Hail! “Revolution."
A complimentary dinner was given to Wm.
Cullen Bryant, Esq., the veteran editor of the
N. Y. Evening Post, on Thursday evening of
last week. The New York World says of it :
The dinner given at Delmonico's, last evening, to
William Cullen Bryant, as a faithful exponent and
persistent advocate of the great principles of Free
Trade, was in every respect a most brilliant and de-
lighful reunion. While the banquet was tendered
to him solely in his capacity of political economist,
by those who are alike earnest believers in the Free
Trade faith as the only system that comports with
national well-being, and of his thorough and unswerving
adherence to the great cause, it is impossible in fact
(however desirable it might seem in theory), to ignore
for the time his great claims upon the respect of all
classes as an admirable poet and distinguished littera-
teur. And while, much of the hearty applause that
greeted Mr. Bryant in the course of the evening was
primarily accorded on the express ground of unswerving
devotion to those economical theories of which he is a
fair representative in America, there was none (he less
apparent a most zealous and glowing appreciation of his
poetical genius.
Mr. David Dudley Field presided on the occasion,
having on his right the guest of the evening, William
Cullen Bryant. Among the gentlemen present were
Cyrus W. Field, 8. J. Tilden, Rev. Mr. Blanchard, Judge
Pierpont, Isaac W. Bailey, Joshua Leavitt, Parke Godwin,
Mr. De Forrest, Mr. Prime, and others. Letters com-
plimentary to the guest and his principles, were read
from Hon. Amasa Walker of Mass, tod Gerrit Smith
Miss Sallie Brownson Goodrich lectured in
Dodworth Hall last Saturday evening, on the
“ Midnight Mission” in behalf of “ abandoned
women. She said that the work which the
Mission performs is that which Christ would
perform if he were on earth -the saving of
frail, fallen women. Only a few were willing to
take them by the hand and urge them to abandon
an infamous life. It would not be so if the good <
and virtuous were to unite in a movement that J
would have this noble end for its object The
chief cause that led to prostitution was to be
found in the heartlessness of men who employ
sewing-women at wages insufficient to support
them. -
A boy at St Louis, barely seventeen years old,
without anything like a constitution to stand
the mauling and pounding which a prize fight
involves, has been beaten’ to death in the ring.
The Universalis ts are espousing the cause of
Woman s Rights and Wrongs‘with great appa-
rent good wilL One season may be that they
have already a number of talented and excellent
women enrolled in their ministry, who are prac-
tically demonstrating the question of their fit-
ness to hold any place assigned to moral and
intelligent beings. Among their public journals
too arc several that are demanding for woman
all the rights, civil, political, educational and
industrial, accorded to male citizens. The
Ambassador of last week had an able article on
the subject, headed, the “ Woman Question,’ .
some excerpts of which are given below :
Nine thousand votes were thrown In Kansas ir favor
of Female Suffrage. That fact shows that the so-call^l
Woman Question has become a nroblem which must be
intelligent peoplem.ycon •
Unn. to disbelieve In It ; bnt they cannot longer afford
to aneer at It. They mnat meet the question with argn-
g ' trid 01 “ accustomed re-
sort to ridicule. * * * * *
Every resident citizen not convicted of crime, of suitable
age, and intellectually qualified, has a right to the ballot
and is under a moral obligation to use it for the greatest
good of the community. We judge this is what pebple
-T™’ when commit themselves to the doc-
trine that government should rest on the consent of the
™* T 10 “ rc Pnblican
8uch a formula excludes extreme youth, the maniac,
the obviously weak brain, the criminal, the non-resident
and the grossly ignorant But it does not recognize a
disqualification in color, race or sex. We presume that
about all of our readers will approve of the formula as
we have modified it. A large proportion of them doubt-
less desire us to argue against Female Suffrage. Well
° f formuU * they would show
us how to frame the argument ! In solemn truth we do
w 18 timber f ° r roch “ "tnwient is com-
ing from ; we do not see where are the tools or the mec-
hanism that can frame the timber.
'lhe fret is just here. If women really want the ballot,
they can have it by making the demand ! The majority
of men in Kansas who voted against Female Suffrgae,
did so to escape the Caudle ridicule at home ! Canvass
W6W J?' “ d four women °nt of five will scoff at the
proposition. In fear of their wives, the men don’t dare
vote for Female Suffrage !
h * ve been 80 lon «ta poUtical subor-
dination that they don’t know the reality of their politi-
cal degradation. Women are habituated to political
serfdom : tod here, as elsewhere, habit is second nature
Conscious of the fact that in what little we have said*
favorable to Female Suffrage we have incurred the
wrath of ndt a lew of our women readers, we beg of them
to consider the point here urged ! There is a good deal
init Is it inslicnl, or is it habit that makes yon revolt at
the thought of going to the polls ? If it is instinct, that
settles the question against Female Suffrage, if nature is
against it, to argue lor it is beating a rook with a mallet of
fork. If it is only habit that revolts, thehabitis a bad one ;
and like all other habits will in timeyieldto its contrary.
Don’t settle the question in passionate haste whether in-
stinct or habit furnishes the objection. Think out the
problem. ******
As to the objection that the caucus and the polls will
degrade woman, make her as coarse as her brother or
husband, we cannot see much force in it. It does not
degrade women to stand behind the counter and sell
sheeting and tape to men ; no, not hall as much as it does
to sell the same to their own sex ! It elevates woman to
sing in the “ village choir”— with reason it makes the
“ vm *« e blacksmith ” proud to see his daughter in that
public position. Many think it degrades women to stand
upon the stage ; bnt t£ey who so think aver that the
custom likewise degntfes man. But they who believe
the drama legitimate never see ' an impropriety in
woman on the stage, simp’y because she is woman.
The man who will be coarse and rude in the presenoe of
woman anywhere, is a brutal specimen of the sex. The
overwhelming, and hence controlling majority of men
voters, will respect woman— will be civil in her presence.
Ii women want the ballot, and conscientiously use it, we
have no fear that the prerogative will demoralize them.
Women went through the soldiers’ camp, and came away
very much nearer the angels.
We repeat, the question is, Woman, do you want ths
ballot? If you do, say so. On fills point you will find
the men very obedient.
Habit.— T here is a set of men who meet in Boston
and elsewhere, and call themselves a Social Science
Association. They have studied and are full of book
More than once “ I he Revoi<ution ** has al-
ready h4fl occasion to correct the piress, as to
' ^ this excellent Association. In this Country and
Gre&t Britain it is composed of women as
' 'AlUas men. The Eqrnd rights of both are
respected, and women have proved themselves
by their talent abundantly worthy of their
The N. Y. Sun thus speaks ot our little Irish
girls : , - -i
Tbs carriers of “ Tp« Revolution ” are chiefly little
girls, wearing a pretty uniform, short red dress, fhry
attract much attention.
Kanbab Stele Moves. — The Independent thinks
the late straggle for Female Suffrage in Kansas,
though accounted a defeat, is not without its
fruits, because the House of Keppasentatives
has just chosen Miss Emma Hunt enrolling
clerk ; and the Senate has a}so chosen Miss
Holman for its assistant enrolling clerk. This
shows the drift of public sentiment, and that
the time for admitting women to the ballot-box
bCs almost come.
The Revolution” is beginning to
be appreciated in Kansas to a most gratifying
extent. Nearly every mail brings ns both sub-
scribers, money, and words of good cheer.
Woman did not obtain the right of the ballot
last autumn, but pot one effort was lost The
State is fully awake to the justice of her claim,
and it will hot long be withheld.
Aspiring. — The Church of the Holy Trinity,
in Brooklyn, has been topping out its steeple
anew, as indicative doubtless of ‘‘High
Church” tendencies. The rector, in a subsequent
sermon, is reported to have said that the “ ar-
chitect who designed a new spire performed a
greater service for mankind than the man who
invented a cotton-gin or a sewing machine. ” Very
appropriately that rector bears the name of Hr.
Littlejohn. •
Lucy Stone. — The Boston correspondent of
the Anti-Slavery Standard is glad to learn that
Mrs. Lacy Stone is about to enter upon a vig-
orous campaign in Massachusetts to secure, if
possible, from the Legislature now in session,
an initial step for an amendment of the State
Constitution, to extend the ballot to women up-
on equalterms with men ; and especially to gain
at once for women a position upon boards of
education. Mrs. Stone will, he expects, have
the co-operation of Mrs. Caroline M. Severance,
Mr. Stephen S. Foster, and others interested in
the work.
The Federal Capital. — An eminent Amer-
ican woman once wrote that the virtue of every
woman in Washington was jeopardized by resi-
dence there. She wrote even much worse than
that ; and were we a member of the church, as
she was and is, and as widely known, it might
be safe to quote her farther. Parson Brownlow
said, . when he first went there, he found the
nearer he approached to the city the more he
felt inclined to be stealing something. ' Senator
Wilson last year bore public testimony in Bos-
ton to the fearful prevalence of drunkenness
among men. in office there, and if „ telegrams and
newspaper correspondents are reliable, Gen.
Grant, the prospective Republican Presidential
candidate, is a victim ; and last week Robert
Johnson, son and private secretary of Andrew
Johnson, was committed to a lunatic a sjU fi m for
treatment as an inebriate. >
Terms Cash. — S ome of our friends S#Cm not
to have observed that our terms m Tvo
Hollars a Year, in advance. We inclose bills
to such to-day, and shall then discontinue
“ The Revolution ” to all who do not prompt-
ly comply with the conditions. \
l issft A for t s H iTs . —The North
ih that town.
says, in some of the sahodls
of the finest in the State,
there is a falling, off of one-third the attendance
from lack of clothing./! In many cases children
are barefooted, and foonihes are reduced to In-
dian meal as their only food.
i-i^ATE C
Officers. — L et it be remembered
that the Radical State Convention of Louisiana nominated
a 8tate ticket with two negroes upon it— a negro for
Lien t -Governor, and a negro for State Treasurer 1 — Hart-
ford Timet.
True, Messrs. Times, but whom did the
Democrats of that State nominate in 1869 and
Jimuwiat apartment.
Financial and Commercial.— A merica versus
Europe — Gold , like our Cotton, FOR SALE.
Greenbacks for Money. An American System
of Finance. American Products and Labor
Free. Foreign Manufactures Prohibited. Open
door 8 to Artisans and Immigrants. Atlantic
and Pacific Oceans for AMERICAN Steam-
ships and Shipping. New York the Financial
Centre of the World. Wall Street emancipated
from Bank of England, or American Cash for
American Bills. The Credit Fmcier and Credit
Mobilier System, or Capital Mobilized to Re-
suscitate the South and our Mining Interests,
and to People the Country from Ocean to Ocean,
from Omaha to San Franciico. More organized
Labor, more Cotton, more Gold and Silver
Bullion to sell foreigners at the highest prices.
Ten millions of Naturalized Citizens DEMAND
en the Brotherhood of Labor. If Congress Vote,
One Hundred and Twenty-five Millions for a
Standing Army and Freedman's Bureau for the
Blacks, Cannot they spare One Million for the
Whiles ?
NO. Y.
To oar Servants at Washington— From
the People at Home.
The large unemployed balance which Mr.
McCulloch keeps idle in the Assistant Treas-
ury and the National banks, is an unnecessary
loss to the Nation. Last week the amount in
the New York Assistant Treasury was $111,000,-
000, and in the National banks about $30,000;-*,
000 making a total of $140,000,000
no interest. If $50,000,000 were in’
the purchase of 7-30’s the -gain would be over
$3,000,000 per annum, an item worth saving to
the tax-ridden people. ;\ ^
The news from Washington
contemplates no action this session e
policy floe- our finances and revenue
meets wilii general condemnation. Thel
report of Mr. Wells famishes all the information ^
required for the Committees to report a bill for
an intelligent revenue system. If there iS not
time foe that, sorely Congress can sweep aWay
the Cottoh tax, and lower that on Whiskey, so
as to put a stop to the frauds of the Whiskey
ring, end at the same time increase the receipts
of Government
Congress has done well in passing this bill,
bat the people will not be satisfied with4his.
They want more greenbacks. They want a sys-
tem e&finance which shall make the bonds of
the United States convertible into greenbacks
at par whenever the holder may so elect and
again the greenbacks re-exchahgable tor bonds.
If the people can use the money profitably they
ought to have it direct from Government in ex-
change for its bonds, and without the interven-
tion of bonks or bankers. The more plentiful
greenbacks, the more business is conducted, on
the cash principle. When greenbacks were
plentiful people bought for cash, but now they
are scarce, they ran accounts and buy on time.
As greenbacks decrease, so business notes and
long time credits increase. Before .the re-
bellion the purchases of the Nation were made
by the ' use of $300,000,000 of gold and silver
dollars, $212,000,000 of state bank notes, $500,
000,000 of bank discounts, and $1,500,000,000
of bills of exchange and business notes,
making the total of $2,500,000,000 of pur-
chasing dollars , which the business of the coun-
try required to move its property from hand to
The practical operation of increasing the
amount of greenbacks in circulation is to in-
crease the purchases for cash and to decrease
those on time. This has been demonstrated^
the greenback-contraction- policy of Mr. McCul-
loch, which has driven the country from the
cash system which existed when greenbacks
were plentiful, into the old credit system which
was general before the rebellion. It is a fallacy
to suppose that greenbacks will be forced into
circulation during a time of peace beyond what
the people need. If Congress were to authorize
the issue of $200,000,000 more greenbacks, it
does not follow that that amount would be used.
Government will not givq the greenbacks with-
out an equivalent, and that equivalent its own
boQds. What difference then in regard to prices
can it make, whether the holder of the bond
gets for them greenbacks or government credit
direct from government, or bank credits in-
scribed on their books and called discounts or
loans T The holder of a government bond can
afwtys obtain a bank credit or Joan in exchange
for Ids government bond, therefore a law which
shall give him the right to demand greenbacks
qr government Credit in exchange for its bonds
has no more power to irfiate the currency and
prices of the country than the bank credits or dis-
counts which he can obtain now. It simply places
the holder* ol_govemment bonds on a stable
where they know precisely the amount
loan and the cost thereof to be obtained
pa their governmeUtbondB. It releases the
people from the caprice and exactions of banks
and money lenders, and fenders it impossible
for panics or speculations to make the money
markets tight. When money or greenbacks are
in excess they will be converted into the bonds
bearing a low rate of interest, say 3.65 per oent
or any other rate Congress may fix, and when
greenbacks are wanted by business operations
then the bonds will be converted into them.
The system of bonds exchangeable for green-
backs and greenbacks again re-exchangeable for
the bonds, would in practice simply expand and
contract the currenoy precisely in accordance
with the wants of trade. It could not inflate
more than bank discounts. It would prove to
be a wholesome check on wild speculations and
would assuredly facilitate the movement towards
the resumption of specie payments, besides
showing plainly the amount of money really
needed to conduct business on the sound basis
of cash and short credits.
Talk among the Brokers in Wall Street.
The talk is that the bears are getting desperate;
Erie goes down a little, but the rest of the market don't;
that cheap money, increasing railroad earnings, a spec-
ulative public and influential cliques are bound to make
prioes go up. The talk is that
and other " stool pigeons” to go round showing his calls
on Erie at 75; that this was done to humbug the street
-Into the notion that Uncle Daniel did not -think that
" this ’ere Eirie would ever get to 75 again;” that Drew’s
stool pigeons rather overdid it and Drew too; that Drew
did not sell any calls in reality at 75, and that he refused
to do so when asked. The talk ts that Drew was at the
Filth Avenue Hotel on Thursday night
to 110, and that George Francis Train knew what he was
about when he told the open Board so in his speech be-
fore he sailed to Europe. The talk is that the Vander-
bilt party are getting a short interest in Now York
Central, and that it is a purchase now as well aa Hudson
Biver, Harlem, and Toledo. The talk is th t there is a
that it will soon be moved upwards, as the Baltimoreans
have bought a good deal of stock within the last fon-
oight. The talk is that the Quicksilver Company will
earn enough this Summer to psy off its
and that it will pay a dividend next year. The talk is
that some of the coal stooks will be moved soon. The
talk is that “ The Revolution's ” notice of
has stopped the dealings in them ; that the street has
found out that William S. Williams has $800,000 of them
placed in his hand at 40 to sell ; that the Fourth National
Bank has a loan on a large amount of them which they
want returned, and that the market takes tham very
slowly ; that the broker’s firm employed to bull them is
likely to make more money thoL anybody else ; that
for the whole of them, and will stiok the publio with his
$800,000 of the Tennessee's at some prioe or another ;
that he is rather afraid of Parscn Bro widow’s manoeuvres
and don’t believe in holding on too long to a bad egg
The talk is that
Toledo and Wabash. The talk Is why does Mr. McCulloch
keep so much money lying idle in the Assistant Treasury
and the National banks ? The talk is what is going to
be done with all the money accumulating in New York
this Spring? The talk is that if
on the market at 5 to 0 per oent, how high will it drive
up the prioe of governments ; that the bonds pay over
6 per cent, interest in currency at present quotations ?
The talk is that every body wants to buy
cutlet and cold at that, was the nearest he could ever
come to a golden call; and that that golden calf bnai-
ness was a big thing and he means to make Erie a big
thing too.” The talk is that Drew says that Seligman
managed Erie all right in the London market and
he always told Billy Msrston so, but Billy would have
his own way, and told Drew that Aaron and the golden
calf were not a circumstance to Billy Marston, Prairie
dn Chien and greenback?, and that he would show him
a ‘ 'greenback calf” that would beat Aaron hollow ; that
Drew says he Ubver saw that ’ere
and guesses it stuck at the Bull’s Head near Forty-
fourth street. The talk is that the Mining Board has
been fizzling out because
have been dabbling in Erie and New York Central, and
that they have not made much money in railways; that
De Comean is going to stick to mining stocks after this
and let railways alone. The talk is that the Mining
Board will have to do something pretty soon if they want
to keep the Board alive; that the owners of good mining
stocEs don’t like to see their price run dbwn the moment
they are placed on the Board, and that the only fellow
with any pluck there is De Comeau, who sells everything
and never buys anything, and that although that may
suit Do Comeau and his friend PhiL Bruns, it don’t suit
anybody else. Thfetalk is, that the
with the open Board is going to rip things up; that the
public will not be counted out, and kept behind a fence
like cattle in the long room or any other room, and, that
if the two Boards try it they will make a mistake The
talk is, that .
m’lean agreed to take $5,000
for his lease of the Long Room and, that when asked to
sign the papers he backed out and declined ; that McLean
has made a mistake and, that the Room in New Street
will be a success if the public are allowed to be as free as
they were in the Long Room. The talk is, that a
that he was disgusted; that it did not go down to 70, and
that he is getting nervous over the firmness of the
market; that
are heavily short in Western Union and the general
market, sad that they expected to make a panic and
general decline by the break in Erie. The talk is that
are trying to make up a pool in Ohio and Mississippi,
and that if they do, it will be a case of diamo nd cut
diamond with bets even on where the profits go; that
the two M.'s are sure to be all right and their friends,
perhaps; that they mean to manage the pool on the
" milking process” by the
that Marston practised in Erie and North West Com-
mon. The talk is when are? L. T. Hoyt, Cutting and the
ether owners oftjgdmberland coal going to make their
move in thatrstock? The talk is that
either one way or the other, some say up and others
down; that the company will pass its next dividend and
make statements which will knock the price down to 76,
and others say that there is a strong bull party in it
that will frighten the shorts into covering by running
the price up to 150; that the
than ever, and that the.price would never hate gone be-
low 140 to 150 if Brown Brothers had had everything
their own way. The talk is why did Brown Brothers
put theis rates of Exchange up to 110 on Thursday and
Friday when their bills could be bought from «^ nid
hands at 109% for cash ? Was it to settle credits at high
rates? Or was it to increase their cash sales with dealers ?
-The talk is what are all these bills drawn against? The
talk is that
with Leavitt and Coy and the Per u v ian bonds ia a sharp
transaction, and more developments are expected. The
talk ia that Tracey wfll cany his point with the
; that the stock is going up
now that the price has advanced to 100, and that Fisk and
Hatch wfll advance them to 105 very soon. The talk is
of, the Union Pacific Railroad Company recommended
them to advance their bonds 5 per cent. The is that
some foreign bankers are forming a
POOL* TO BUY THE 5-20*8 OF 1862
in this market,, and that when they control them here,
they wfll work the foreign markets and the price of gold
to suit. The talk is that the gold operators finding
motions in Congress rather Blow hive got hold of the
World's correspondent at Washington ; that the World's
letter from Washin^lbn about “ the
and a declaration of war against Great Britain must in-
evitably ensue unless U was accepted, was a canard a
little too strong for even gold operations, and the
World knew this and was careful to sign R J. B. 8. ; that
J. B. 8. means
that Jennie Buffalo is a sprightly and captivating young
lady blessed with little foe t, lively imagination and much
crinoline ; that does the sensation in Washington and
elsewhere ; that the gold market ia getting beyond the
influence of sensational letters and telegrams from
Washington, and that something must be done to start
the prioe either up or down. The talk is that the Ger-
man bankers and everybody else are long of gold and
that a short interest is wanted to make the market healthy.
The talk is that Daniel Drew ia going to give $50,000 to
the new .
in honor of Aaron^and. the golden calf ; that Unde Daniel,
says be don’t think as how he'll change his rettgkm, but
if he does he will go in ion. v \
that that 'ere golden calf
feat thing “Uncle
11 he had only had _
manage this ’are Eiriawli*hl* he
golden calf too ; that although Bflly-Wraa smart,
with the new California Express Company called the
Pacific Express Company and, that some of the managers
of the old companies having sold out their stock, are
going in for s mew opposition company. The talk is
that Bookstaver & Thayer, and Pules ton k Raymond
have been sticking the public with these people’s stocks
and promising their ''customers dividends which they
know are never going to be realized; that the palmy
days of the Express Companies’ business have passed
away, and that it is impossible to show any profit on
the large watered stooks of Qxe old companies.
shows increased ease owing ia the disbursement of
about $14,000,000 on Friday last, chiefly on account of
the purchase of 7-?0 notes by Mr. Van Dyck, Assistant
Treasurer. The changes in the bank statement are
caused by the Treasury Department movements. Hie
following table shows the changes in the condition of
the Sew York city banks this week compared wi^Uat :
7 J«n. 25. Feb. 1
L&ns, ,$$838,392,101. $266*415,613. Inc. $8,023,512
Specie, 25,lb6,803. 28,955,320. Inc. 1,151,480
Circulation, 34,082,762. * 34,062,521. Inc. 20,241
Deposits, 210,098,084. 218,830,524. Inc. 3,237,440
Legal tenders, 67,154,611. 65497,158. Inc. 1,957,008
The increase of $8,028,512 in loans is owing to the
purchase of government securities by the banka/ted
the decrease of $1,957,000 ip legal lenders to caused by
absorption into the Assistant Treasury as the Treasury
balance was ascending until Friday, the day on which
| -Ah d bank averages dose. The damme of $1,1(1,480 in
specie was caused by the demand tor customs. The in-
crease of $9,287,440 in depotffe ahpws the plethora of
unemployed The dealers in governments qre
offered at 4 pe ttai more money than they " w,
— . iksiflrare supplied at 5 percent,
with exceptions a^^pereent. First class business pa-
Ifefc twd-mNflfci swY ander, is discouBteMdtwt^pkr
at 6% to 7 percent,; ata«)a names .
* per cent .
lb* ftttfitttHtftt.
Saturday, 25,
Monday, 27,
Tuesday, 28,
Wednesday, 29,
Thursday, 30,
Friday, 31,
Saturday, 1,
vu advanced daring the week to 110 tor prime bankers,
60 days sterling bills, bat although credits were settled
al that rate no sales for cash were made higher than
109% to lo9%. Francs on Paris long are quoted 6-15 to
6-13% and short 5-12% to 5-11%.
was unsettled during the week by a strong bear move-
ment, which carried Erie down from 76% to 73%. The
rest of the market sympathized in the decline, with the
exception of Bock Island, which advanced to 102%. The
Steamship Companies snares are active, Pacific mail
fluctuating from 116 to 110%, and Atlantic mail from 97 to
99. The Vanderbilt stocks. New York Central, Hudson
Biver, Harlem and Toledo are firm. Canton is strong
and likely to move upwards. Western Union is steady.
The border state stocks are dull The general market
closes with an improved tone.
Musgravo & Co., 19 Broad street, report the, 'following
quotations: J
Ohio & Miss., 32% Jo 78 ; Canton, 69 to 60 ; Boston W.
P., 20 to 23; Cumberland, 86 to 33 ; Quicksilver, 55
to 25% ; Mariposa, 8 to 8%, preferred, 13% to 14% ; Pacific
MTftii, iu% to 112 ; Atlantic Mail, 97 to 97% ; W. U. Tel.,
36% to 34 ; New York Central, m\ to 128% ; Erie, 74%
to 68; Pref. 80% to 80% ; Hud. River, 146% to 147 ; Beading
94% to 94% ; Wabash, 45 to 47 ; Mfl- & St P. 48 to 48% ;
Pret 66 to 65% ; Mich. Central, “ South, 92% to 92% ;
HL Central, 134 to 136 ; Pittsburg, 97% to 97% ; Toledo,
111% to 112 ; Bock Island, 10u% to 101 ; North West, 69%
60 ; do. Pret 78% to 34 ; Ft Wayne, 101% to 68.
fen off a little during the week, owing to the pre'Bure of
g yiAa by some Of the dealers who wanted to buy, and
also to assist Mr. Vafc Dyck in purchasing the 7-SO’s he
wanted at a reasonable price. The investment demand,
however, continues steady, and prices declined only
from % to % per cent, from the highest quotations*
Messrs. Fisk k Hatch have been forced to advance the
price of Central Pacific railroad bonds from 96 to 10(>
owing to the great demand, which has taken more than
the Company wishes to sen. The price win be advanced
to 105 befose very long. The foreign bankers are ship-
ping considerable amofiuts of the 5-20 bonds of 1862, and
it is said that a strong combination of forign bankers is
forming to buy and hold' all in this market. Higher
prices are expected to be realized abroad owing to the
demand and low rates of interest The low price of
money is stimulating the investment demand for all
government securities and it is expected will advance
the prices to a higher standard than ever before.
Messrs. Fisk k Hatch, 5 Nassau street, report the
following quotations:
United States 6’s, 1881 Begs % 111% to 112; U. 8. Coupon,
111% to 112; U. 8. 5-20 Registered, 108% to 109; U. S.
Coupon, 1862, 111% to 111%; U. 8. Coupon, 1864, 109%
to 109%; U. 8. Coupon, 1865, 110% to 110%; U. 8. Coupon,
new, 1865, 108 to 108% ; U. 8. Coupon, 1867, 108 to
108%; U. 8. 10-40 Registered, 101% to 101%; U. 8. 10-40
Coupon, 104% to 104% ; U. 8. 7-30 Coupon, 2d 107% to 108;
U. 8. 7-30 3d Coupon, 107% to 108 ; Gold, 141% to 141%.
for the week were $2,078,486 against $1,503,334, $1,541,-
912, $1,636,539 and $1,158,836 for the preceding weeks.
The imports of merchandise for the week are $8,947,624
against $2,614,436, $3,586,491, $8,456,063 and $3,096,642
for the preceding weeks. The exports exclusive of
specie are $3,269,823 against $3,678,601 $3,912,546, $2,-
600,234 and $2,514,442 for the preceding weeks. The ex-
ports of specie are only $169,100 against $1,069,300, $273,-
531, $2,940,751 and $2,787,143 for the preceding weeks.
Dr. B. von Kuczkowskl Dr. Jas. H. North,
The Hydropathic Institute, No. 44 Bond Street, in
ihis City, has been established under the auspices of
some of our well-known and highly esteemed citizens,
who have subscribed iunds for opening and carrying it
on. Many of these gentlemen, and their families have
derived much benefit from the use of the Water-Cure,
jmd feel that it is indispensable for the comfort and
health ot themselves and families to have an Institute in
fhia city, where the hydropathic treatment may be ad*
ministered with all the proper conveniences of baths
and other appliances, under the direction of skillful and
experienced physicians. The Institute, 44 Bond Street*
has been fitted up with every convenience necessary to
the full administration of the water-cure; a whole floor
separate and distinct is allotted to ladles, with expe-
rienced female attendants. . This Institute is placed un-
der the charge of Dr. von Kdozkowbki and Dr. Jas.
H. North.
Dr. Kuczkowsxi was a pupil of Prikssnitz, and after-
wards studied the science and practice of Hydropathy in
Ihe Institute of Dr. Franoke. Francke is regarded as
the highest authority on the theory and practioe of the
water-cure, and has done more than any other writer
towards establishing it on a scientific basis; his system
differs from that of Priessnitz vitally in the treatment of
delicate and nervous patients, for whom he prescribes
higher temperatures of water, and for all patients that
they shall be kept warm and comfortable in the bath*
rooms, and at all times while under treatment. Dr.
Kuczkowski had his own Institute in Turkey, near Con-
stantinople, for seven years, and brought with him to
this country letters of recommendation from Minister
Bismarck and other distinguished persons. Dr. North
holds his Diploma from the Pennsylvania Medical Col-
lege of Philadelphia, as a physician of the Old School,
but from conviction and experience has adopted the
Hydropathic system as the natural and true cure for all
diseases. Dr. North was for many years physician in
the Institute at Clifton Springs and in other places.
The undersigned have much pleasure in recommen-
ding both these gentlemen, Drs. von Kuczkowskl b
North, as physicians, possessing every requisite to com-
mand the confidenSe of our fellow citizens and their
famili es. Desirous of improving the health and adding
to the happiness of our fellow citizens, we recommend to
them the study of Francke's Book on "A New Theory of
Disease applied to Hydropathy,” published by Dr.
Kuczkowskl, 44 Bond St., as a work which ought to be
in the hands of every person.
Egbert Guebnbey, M.D., No. 18 W. 23d St.
F. W. Worth, 47 Wall St.
J. 8. BoewoRTH, 451 W. 22d St
Peter B. Sweeny, 140 W. 84th St
CHARLES B. Cox, 354 Broadway.
A. G. Norwood, 166 W. 14th 8t
Charles Delmonico, 1 East 14th St
A. B. Darling, 40 W.'23d St.
Wellington Clapp, 36 Broad St
Louis 8. Bobbins, 68 Broadway. *
Thomas F. Richards, 59 Beade St.
David M. Melliss, 37 Park Bow.
O. A. Morse, Esq., Cherry Valley, N. Y. -
Ogden Haggerty, 26 Bond St.
8. H. Howard, 124 East 15th St
Charles Butler, 26 W. 37th St, and many others.
119 * 121 NASSAU STREET,
By Andrew Jackson Davis,
(Part L)
Illustrated with diagrams and engravings of
celestial scenery.
This volume contains Scientific and Philosophical evi-
dences of the existence of an inhabitable Sphere or Zone
among the Sons and Planetes of Space. It is a very im-
portant work for all who wish a solid, rational, philo-
sophical foundation on which to rest their religion and
hope of a substantial existence after death.
Published by
158 Washington Street, Boston.
Also for sale at the Banner or Light Branch Office,
644 Broadway, New York. Address Warren Chase.
Price fl; postage 16 cents, . '
We offer The Commonwealth for the current year aa
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It will be as outspoken and candid in its utterances as it
can afford to be and live, and as wide-awake, sprightly
and good-natured as the conservative vitality of its edi-
tor will allow. It does not expect to reform the world,
but it will not go out of its way to avoid giving all Shams,
Humbuggery and Pretension a blow whenever possible.
It will be pretty much, in short, what it has been for the
last three or four years, only that more leisure, with no
less activity, will allow further care, even, of its columns.
Those'who want such a paper as was, is, and will be.
The Commonwealth, can have it at these rates:
One Copy, one year,.'. $3 00
One Copy, six monthp 4 .. 1 50
To those who have a disposition to do a little work for
the paper, we will reward them, upon sending a new
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Phillips’ Speeches, Parker’s Life-Thoughts, Mrs. Dali's
Women. Mrs. Child’s Republic, or the Riverside Maga-
zine. Or, to encourage those who have done well, and
desire to do better, we offer the following
for a new subscriber:
One of the best of the juvenile monthly magazines, full
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Nasby’s new book, with eight originial illustrations—
very rich! *
English edition, complete, compact, and elegantly
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Editor and Proprietor,
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If you would make your home more cheerful.
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If you want a handsome piece of furniture.
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SEfe* ftjevoltttifltt.
To the Fbiends of the N. Y. Express :
We solicit from our friends, personal and political, a
continued interest in the Expre ss, and its respective
publications — Daily, Semi-Weekly and Weekly. It is
nearly thirty-one years since the Daily Express com-
menced in this city with its present proprietors, and in
all that time it has been earnestly devoted to the Union
and Equality of the States, the rights of the people, a
Constitutional Government, the maintainance of Law
and Order, the Diffusion of Knowledge, and to whatever
would secure the greatest good of the greatest number
of people. Our Platform is the same to day on all these
points of National interest as in 1836, and through all
Administrations, from that time to the present. Nor is
it likely that time will change it while we live and the
Government endures, inasmuch as we believe in what is
tried and good, rather than in what is vascillating and
To that portion of the people, therefore, who believe
in a stable government, good men, good laws and equal
and exact justice, we shall continue to appeal ior that
measure of public favor which is due to the principles
"we avow.
The year 1868 will be the most important in the his-
tory of the Government. It will test the right of the
white race to rule the country, and whether the Ameri-
can people have the power to resist .the purposes of a
Jacobin and lawless Congress to give the negro supreme
control over nearly one-third of the States millions
of people. This issue is to be decided at the Presiden-
tial election in 1868, and we invoke the aid of all who be-
lieve in the Government of the Fathers and in the su-
premacy of the white race.
The Express we shall aim to make more and more, in
all its departments, a thorough National and Local News-
paper— a Home Journal for the Family — a Political
Newspaper for the Politician— a Financial and Business
Journal for the Banker and man of business. For
rest, in the luture, as in the past, the Express must
speak for itself.
The Evening Express having the largest circulation of
any established evening paper in the State or City, is
especially worthy of the attention of all classes of adver-
tisers in their respective departments of trade.
Single Cony, 4 cents
Caty Subscribers, served by Carriers, . . .24 eta. per week
Mail Subscribers, one year, «g 5,1
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Price to Newsdealers, . ... $3 per HO
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Two Copies, one year Y. ’. Y. 7 on
Five Copies, one year .* 16 6u
Ten Copies, one year, . 28 00
Twenty-five Copies, to one address, ......... 5 Q 00
An extra copy will be sent to any person who sends
us a club of ten or over.
One Copy, one year, (52 issues.) fa 00
Six months, '* j «5
Three Copies, one year, ....111*.*’.*’.** 5 00
Five Copies, one year .’.. .*. .** 8 00
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Fifty Copies, to one address, ...r.’.Jllliso 00
An extra copy will be sent to any person who sends us
a club of ten or over.
To Clergymen, the Weekly will be sent for $1.60 per
Four Editions of the Evening Express are published,
at 1.30, 2.30, 3.30 and 5 o'clock, with the latest Political,
Commercial and Marine News.
The latest Law Reports, and with the very latest Naws
from the adjoining Cities, States, and all the States of
tc Union.
Also, a complete daily record of Stocks and of the
Money Market to the last hour.
We particularly can the attention of Farmers and Mer-
chants, in all parts of the country, to our Local Market
and Business Reports, which are now very complete.
The Semi- Weekly and Weekly Editions will have aU
the news of the week, up to the hour of going to press.
We have also made arrangements to club the Express
with AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, a monthly paper,
devoted to Agriculture ; THE RIVERSIDE MAGAZINE,
thus offering to our subscribers a great variety of choice
reading at very favorable terms.
b & dra ^ t » Po8t offlce ™°ney order or Regis-
tered Letter, otherwise we cannot be responsible.
J. & E. BROOKS, Proprietors.
ofuS’riSSP 8 w e 5? 931 08868 re< l u ested to send to the
w“2d fSfto^°L Teni> * e6n ‘* < “ d
,,p0B « d «
The remaining ten miles will be finished as soon as
the weather permits the road-bed to be sufficiently
packed to receive the rails. The work continues to be
pushed forward in the rock cuttings on the western
slope with unabated energy, and a much larger force
will be employed during the current year than ever
before. The prospect that the whole
The means provided for Cb construction of this Grea
National Work are ample. The United States grants its
Six Per Cent. Bonds at the rate of from $16,000 to $48,000
per mile, for which it takes a second lien as a security, and
receives payment to a large if not to the full extent of its
claim in services. These Bonds are issued as each twenty
mile section is finished, and after it has been examined by
United States Commissioners and pronounced to be in all
respects a first-class road, thoroughly supplied with depots,
repair-shopB, stations, and all the necessary rolling stock
and other equipments.
The United States also makes a donation of 12,800 acres
of land to the mile, which will be a source of large revenue
to the Company. Much of this land in the Platte Valley
is among the most fertile in the world, and other large
portions are covered with heavy pine forests and abound
in coal of the best quality.
The Company is also authorized to issue its own First
Mortgage Bonds to an amount equal to the issue of the
Government and no more. Hon. E. D. Morgan and Hon.
Oakes Ames are Trustees for the Bondholders, and de-
liver the Bonds to the Company only as the work pro-
gresses, so that they always represent an actual and pro-
ductive value.
The authorized capital of the Company is $100,000,000,
of which over $6,000,000 have been paid on the work al-
ready done.
At present, the profits of the Company are derived only
from its local traffic, but this is already much more thAw
sufficient to pay the interest on all the Bonds the Company
can issue, if not another mile were built It is not
doubted that when the road is completed the through
traffic of the only line connecting the Atlantic and Pacific
States will be large beyond precedent, and, as there will
be no competition, it can always be done at profitable
It will be noticed that the Union Pacific Railroad is, in
fact, a Government work, built under the supervision of
Government officers, and to a large extent with Govern-
irent money, and that its b onds are issued under Govern-
ment direction. It is believed that no similar security is
so carefully guarded, and certainly no other is based upon
a larger or more valuable property. As the Company’s
are offered for the present at 90 CENTS ON THE DOL-
LAR^ they are the cheapest security in the market, being
more than 16 per cent lower than U. S. Stock. They pay
or over NINE PER CENT, upon the investment, and have
thirty years to ran before maturity. Subscriptions win be
received in New York at the Company's Office, No. 20
Nassau street and by
Continental National Bank, No. 7 Nassau street
Clark, Dodge k Co, Bankers, 61 Wall street
John J. Cisco k Son, Bankers, No. 33 Wall street
and by the Company’s advertised Agents throughout the
United States. Remittances should he made in drafts
or other funds par in New York, and the bonds will be
sent free of charge by return express. Parties subscrib-
ing thrpugh local agents will look to them for their safe
A NEW P AMP HLET AND MAP, showing the Progress
of the Work, Resources for Construction, and value of
Bonds, may be obtained at the Company’s Office or of its
advertised agents, or will be sent free on application.
JOHN J, CISCO, Treasurer,
„ . M New York,
Noronber 29, 1867,
Are continually, reviving direct from the Chinese and
Japanese factors, fresh importations of the choicest
flavored Teas. During the past few months th Compan y
have received two entire cargoes, one of which was THE
and of the finest quality.
Parties getting their Teas from ns may confidently
rely upon getting them pure and fresh, as they come
direct from the Custom House stores to our warehouses.
The Company continues to sell at the following prices :
OOLONG (Black), 60, 70, 80, 90c., best $1 per lb.
MIXED (Green and Black,) 60, 70, 80, 90, best $1 per lb.
ENGLISH BREAKFAST, 60, 70, 80, 90, $1, $1 io, best
$1 20 per lb.
IMHERIAL (Green), 60, 70, 80, 90,' $1, $1 10, best $1 25
per lb.
YOUNG HYSON, (Green), 60, 70, 80, 90, $1, $1 10, best
$1 26 per lb.
UNCOLORED JAPAN, $1, $1 10, best $1 25 per lb.
GUNPOWDER, $1 25, best $1 60 per lb.
GROUND COFFEE, 20c., 25c., 30c., 36c., beet 40c. per
lb. Hotels, Saloons, Boarding House Keepers, and
Families who use large quantities of Coffee, can econo-
mise in that article by using our FRENCH BREAKFAST
and DINNER COFFEE, which we sell at the low price of
30c. per lb., and warranted to give perfect satisfaction.
Consumers save 6 to 8 profits of micdle-men or about
ONE DOLLAR per pound, by purchasing their Teas of
Comer Church Street;
Corner of Bleecker Street;
N. corner 34th Street;
Bet. Hudson and Greenwich Streets;
Corner Concord Street;
of the celebrate!
Warranted superior to the Finest Sheffield Plata.
The following are among the first one hundred special
copartners of the Credit Fonder and owners of Colum-
bus :
Augustus Kountza, [First National Bank, Omaha.} ^
Samuel E. Rogers, Omaha.
E. Creighton, [President 1st National Bank, Omaha.]
Thomas C. Durant, V. P. U. P. R. R.
James H. Bowen, [Prest’ 3rd National Bank, Chicago.]
George M. Pullman.
George L. Dunlap, [Superintendent N W. R. R.]
John A. Dix, [President U. P. R. R.]
William H. Guion, [Credit Mobilier.j
William H. Macy, [President Leather Manf. Bank.]
Charles A. Lambard, [Credit Mobilier] Director U. P. R. R.
Oakes Ames, M. C., [Ciedit Mobilier.]
John M. S. Williams, [Director Credit Mobilier.]
John J. Cisco, [Treasurer U. P. R. R.]
H. Clews
William P. Furaiss.
Cyrus H. McCormick, [Director U. P. R. R.]
Hon. Simon Camerqn.
John A. Griswold, M. C., [President Troy City National
Charles Tracy.
Thomas Nickerson, [Credit Mobilier,] Boston.
F. Nickerson, [Credit Mobilier,] Boston.
E. H. Baker, Baker & Morrlil, [Credit Mobilier,] Boston.
W. T. Glidden, Glidden & Williams, Boston, [Credit Mo-
H. S. McComb, Wilmington, Del., [Credit Mobilier.]
James H. Orne, [Merchant,] Philadelphia.
George B. Upton, [Merchant,] Boston.
Charles Macalester, [Banker,] Philadelphia.
C. 8 . Bushnell, [Director U. P. R. R.] Credit Mobilier.
A. A. Low, [President Chamber Commerce.]
Leonard W. Jerome.
H. G. Stebbins.
C. C. k H. M. Taber.
David Jones, [Credit Mobilier. ]
Ben. Holladay, '[ Cre dit Mobilier.]
The emu along the line of
Omaha already Sixteen Thousand People.
Columbus the next important agricultural city on
the way to Cheyenne.
A Fifty Dollar Lot may prove a Five Thousand Dollar
j Investment.
PARIS to PEKIN in Thirty Days. Two Ocean Ferry-
Boats and a Continental Railway. Passengers for China
this way l
The Rocky Mountain excursion parties of statesmen
and capitalists (two thousand miles westward without
break of gauge) pronounce the Pacific Railroad a great
fact ; the Credit Mobilier (its contractors), a national
reality ; the Credit Fonder (owning cities along the line),
an American institution.
The grandest national work of any age, is the Union
Pacific Railroad. Under its present Napoleonic leader-
ship, in 1810 the road will be finished to San Francisco.
Five Hundred and thirty miles are already running west
of Omaha to the base of the mountains, north of Denver.
The Iowa Railroad (Chicago and Northwestern) is now
open to the Missouri River opposite Omaha ; where the
temporary bridge that has bejn constructed joins you
with the Pacific. Here is the time-table :
New York to Chicago (dra * ing-room car all
the way, without change) _ 88 hours.
Chicago to Omaha, without change (Pull-
man’s sleeping palaces) 24 •*
Omaha to Cheyenne, or summit of Rocky
Mountains, (Union Pacific Railroad) 28 **
90 «
Say four days from New York to the Rocky Mountains.
Two thousand two hundred miles without a change of
gauge or car, or the removal of your carpet bag and
shawl from your state-room.
The Credit Fonder of America owns the capitol addi-
tion to Columbus,— probably the future capitol of Ne-
braska. What is the Credit Fonder? Ask the first mil-
lionaire you meet, and the chances are he will tell you
that he was one of the one hundred original thousand
dollar subscribers. No other such special copartnership
of wealthy men exists on this continent- (A list of these
distinguished names can be seen at the Company’s
Where is Columbus? Ask the two hundred Union
Pacific Railroad excursionists who encamped there on
the Credit Fonder grounds. Is it not the geographical
centre of this nation ? Ninety-six miles due weBt from
Omaha, the new Chicago ; ninety-six miles from the
Kansas border on the south ; ninety-six miles from the
Dacotah line on the north, Columbus is situated on the
upper bottom, at the junction of the Platte and the Loup
Fork, and is surrounded by the finest agricultural lands in
the world.
The Credit Fonder lands extend from the railway
station across the railway, anfi enclose the Loup Fork
Bridge ; the county road to the Pawnee settlement run-
ning directly through the domain. As the railway sys-
tem expands, Columbus will naturally be the railway
centre of the Sioux City, Nebraska City and Nemaha Val-
ley Railroads.
The Union Pacific Railroad Company were not slow to
see that Columbus was the natural point for an im-
portant station. The Credit Mobilier owns lands near
the city, and some leading generals and statesmen are
also property owners round about Would you make
money easy ? Find, then, the site of a city and buy the
farm it is to be built on. How many regret the non-
purchase of that lot in New York ; that block in Buffalo ;
that farm in Chicago ; that quarter section in Omaha.
Onoe these city properties could have been bought for a
song. Astor and Girard made, their fortunee-in this
way. The Credit Fonder, by owning the prindpal
towns along the Pacific line to California, enriches its
shareholder#, while distributing its profits by selling
alternate lots at a nominal price to the public.
The Credit Fonder owns 688 acres at Columbus, di-
vided into 80 ft. streets and 20ft. alleys.
These important reservations are made : Two ten-acre
parks ; one t r n-acre square, for the university of Nebras-
ka ; one five-acre triangle, for an agricultural college ;
one five-acre quadrangle, for a public school ; one acre
each donated to the several churches, Episcopal, Catho-
lic, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Congregational
and Baptist, and ten acres to the State tor the new Capitol
Deducting these national, educational and religious
donations, the Credit Fonder has oVer 3,000 lots (44x115)
remaining, 1,600 of which they offer for sale, reserving
the alternate lots for improvements.
First.— It is worth fifty dollars to a young man to be
associated with such a powerful Company.
Second.— By buying in Columbus, you purchase the
preference right to be interested in the next town
mapped out by the Credit Fonder^ and, as we dig
through the mountains, that town may be a gold mine.
Third. — Owning 6,000 feet oi land 1,700 miles off by
rail, extends one’s geographical knowledge, and suggests
that Massachusetts, South Carolina and Virginia do not
compose the entire American Republic.
When this ocean bottom— this gigantic plateau of the
antediluvian sea— this relic of the great inland lake often
thousand years ago, between Omaha and Columbus, be-
comes peopled, - with corn-fields and villages, a lot at
Columbus may be a handy thing to have about the
•The object of the Credit Fonder in selling alternate
lots at such a low figure, is to open up the boundless
resources along the line of the Union Pacific Railroad to
the young men of the East Lauded proprietsrship
gives a man self-reliance, and may stimulate the em-
employee to become employer. Fifty dollars invested
ten years ago in Chicago or Omaha, produces many
thousand now.
As this allotment of 1,600 shares is distributed through
New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington,
Cincinnati, Chicago and 8t Louis, early application
should be made by remitting a check to the Company’s
bankers, Messrs. John J. Cisco & Son, 33 Wall street,
when you will receive a deed for the property.
To save the lot-owner the trouble of writing, the Credit
Fonder pays all taxes for two years.
Do not forget that every mile of road built westward,
adds to the value of property in Omaha and Columbus.
Cheyenne, at the foot of the mountains, four hundred
miles west of Columbus, is but six months old, and has
three thousand people. Lots there selling for three thou-
sand dollars.
Most of the Directors of the Union Pacific Railroad,
and the Directors and Subscribers of the Credit Mobilier,
are the Shareholders of the Credit Fonder of America.
Call at the office and examine the papers.
Most respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
and give especial attention to the conversion of
Holders* of the Sixes of 1881, and Five-twenty Bonds
of 1862, and May 1, 1865, may now realize a liberal differ-
ence by exchanging them for the new 6-208 of 1866-7.
We are prepared to make these exchanges upon the most
favorable terms.
Deposits reedved and collections made.
FISK & HATCH, No. 6 Nassau street.
We buy and sell at tte most liberal current prices
and keep on hand a full supply of
and execute orders for purchase and sale of
We .have added to our office, a Retail Department, for
the accommodation of the public demand for investment
in and exchanges of Government Securities, the pur.
chase Gold and Interest Coupons, and the sale of In-
ternal Revenue Stamps.
The Movement-Cure is eminently the out-growth oi
the present advanced state of Chemistry, Physiology, and
co-related sciences ; and as practiced at this Institute, is
the product of twenty years of diligent and progressive
toil, in this special field.
The effects of the Movement-Cure are gradual and per-
manent, unlike those of drugs of stimulants.
The ODesiations are agreeable, and no degree of weak-
ness or helplessness is a bar to their application.
For further information, see the book entitled, “ An
Exposition of the Swedish Movement-Cure,” and the
pamphlet entitled, “ An Illustrated Sketch of the Move-
ment-CUre,’\both by Geo. H. Tailor, M. D,
419, 421 BROADWAY, N. Y.,
For a wife or Family a whole LIFE POLICY is the best
hing possible.
For a Daughter or Son an ENDOWRY POLICY is the
most desirable, as it is payable at marriage or other speci-
fied time.
For one’s own self the best New Year treat is a LIFE
RETURN ENDOWMENT POLICY, which is issued only
by this Company; it gives the person a certain sum if he
lives to a specified time, or to his heirs if he decease be-
fore, with the return of the Endowment Premiums with
interest. It therefore truly combines all the advantages
of Insurance and a Savings Bank, which has not before
been done.